8 Surprising Health Benefits of Sattu

Surprising Benefits of Sattu
Sattu is a tasty and healthy drink rich in several nutrients. This yummy drink is beneficial for both kids and adults. You can drink Sattu during summer to energize yourself and keep you full for a longer time.
Sattu in English is called Black chickpea flour. Roasted gram flour which is high in nutrients is blended into a fine powder and then mixed with water or milk. You can drink it early morning or after dinner.
Talking about the nutritional value of sattu, it is rich in protein, fibre, energy, iron, calcium, manganese, and many other vitamins and minerals. Sattu is one of the healthy drinks that you can have to meet the requirement of nutrient levels with around 320 calories per serving.
People usually buy artificial protein drinks to maintain their level of protein in the body. However, chana sattu is a natural protein drink that is a perfect summer drink. Sattu has cooling properties, which is best in providing relief from the burning heat.
Health Benefits of Sattu
Summer cooler
Sattu has been used in rural areas to cool down the body for a very long time. Sattu sherbet is a wonderful drink to quench your thirst during summer time as it prevents the body from overheating and cools down the body temperature significantly.
Maintain Blood Sugar Level
Sattu is loaded with lots of fibre which help in regulating blood sugar levels in the body. However, if you are already taking medicine to maintain your blood sugar levels, you need to consult your doctor before making any changes in your diet. You can eat sattu if your doctor recommends it.
Great for digestion
The high amount of insoluble fibre in sattu is good for the intestines. It cleanses your colon, detoxifies it of greasy food, alters your digestion and rejects flatulence, constipation and acidity. As a result, you feel much less bloated.
Keep You Full For A Long Time
Sattu is a good source of protein which is essential for the repair and growth of muscle. When you take enough natural protein, you will not need any artificial protein drink to keep yourself healthy and you also don’t have to fully depend on other sources of protein for the daily requirement of your body. Additionally, drinking sattu keeps you full for a longer time, not allowing you to eat unhealthy foods.
Flush Toxins
You stay healthy when the toxins are removed from the body. This is one of the important factors that help in weight loss. Sattu is packed with detoxifying properties which keep you healthy and protect you from many diseases. Try consuming sattu every day to protect yourself from various unhealthy bacteria.
Increases Muscle Mass
Sattu's nutritional value can help improve the growth of muscle mass. So, you can provide sattu to your child daily for growing muscle. It is recommended to feed at least two spoons of sattu to your child.
Beauty Benefits of Sattu
Sattu sherbets keep the skin hydrated and glowing. Sattu provides rich nutrients to the hair follicles and is hence used for many years to treat hair problems. The iron in sattu keeps you feeling energised and provides a healthy glow to your face.
Healthy Body
Sattu is a low-glycaemic index food which is a great option for diabetics. Sattu benefits also regulate blood pressure. For best results, drink sattu with water and a pinch of salt. The high fibre in the roasted gram flour is good for those who are suffering from high cholesterol.
Side Effects of Sattu
The Health Benefits of Sattu Powder are astounding but there are some side effects of sattu also which should not be ignored.
How much sattu per day is good for adults? Sattu in high quantities can cause gas and bloat. It is prescribed that 30gm of sattu is good in amount. People who suffer from gas must consume less quantity of Sattu especially if Sattu is made only from Bengal grams.
For diabetic patients, Sattu is a boon on the one hand, while the patients who have stones problem should not consume it at all. Gram elevates leprosy, so a person suffering from leprosy should avoid gram Sattu.
How To Prepare Sattu?
To prepare sattu, you need Sattu powder, chilled water, mint leaves (optional), lemon juice, roasted cumin, salt and black pepper.
In a glass of chilled water, you can add two tsp of sattu powder, cumin seed, black pepper, lemon juice, and salt. Mix it and enjoy this cool and refreshing drink.
You can replace water with milk if you like. If you are mixing sattu with milk, you need not add any other ingredients. Just add one or two spoons of sattu in milk and mix it well to enjoy the tasty and nutritious drink.
Take Away
Sattu is a very versatile ingredient that can be consumed in various forms - you can eat it or drink it. Sattu sherbet or sattu drink is a great refreshing summer drink to calm your thirst and keep the body hydrated.
During winters, sattu can be added to a variety of recipes such as Litti, laddoo, stuffing, etc. Sattu has massive health benefits and can be consumed as part of a balanced diet.