Know All About Soya Chunks Calories, Nutritional Facts, And Benefits

Bowl of soya chunks | Soya Chunk calories

Soya chunks are popular among vegetarians due to their high protein content as more individuals choose vegetarianism, veganism, and plant-based diets, as well as a resurgence in interest in high-protein diets. Because of their bulk and texture, soya chunks are preferred by non-vegetarians in addition to vegetarians.

Plant based collagen

Soya chunks first became well-liked in the eastern states of India. Then, even non-vegetarians started buying soya chunks and using them in place of meat. In India right now, the popularity is growing gradually. 

Imagine having all the benefits of meat without any of its drawbacks. Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP) or Textured Soy Protein are pieces of soy (TSP). Beans may be extracted to produce soybean oil. Soy flour is the byproduct or residue that is produced as a result.

Using chance, the soya chunks were created by this flour. The flour is defatted since all the oil has been taken out. Therefore, soya chunks should be devoid of fat.

The bland flavour of soy chunks is another benefit. Most people must be acquainted with a traditional pulao with soya chunks. They go well with many cuisines, which makes it simple to change the cooking method.

Soya pieces are delivered in their dried condition, but they immediately double in bulk. As soon as you soak soya chunks in water, their texture changes to mushy, fibrous, and spongy.

Soya pieces provide a comparable amount of protein as lean meat. Additionally, they are inexpensive and low in fat, and are known as "vegetarian meat."

Benefits of Meal maker

Meal makers commonly referred to as soy chunks are thought to improve cholesterol, protect against heart disease, cut the risk of osteoporosis, manage hypertension, and assist in weight reduction.

Serves as a meat alternative

Soya pieces may be included in the diets of vegetarians and those who lack protein. They assist in achieving the required protein intake without interfering with cultural customs.

Maintains heart health

Protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and saturated fat are all abundant in soy chunks.

Additionally, a 2015 research that appeared in the journal Molecules discusses the advantages of soya and its capacity to reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the body. Soya chunks are a heart-healthy snack since good cholesterol also protects against several heart conditions.

Joint support

Supports weight loss

This particular plant-based protein has the reputation for lowering body weight and fat mass. The soya chunks' high fibre content prevents hunger. They may also keep you full for a long time.

It lessens the signs of menopause

Hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, difficulty sleeping, vaginal dryness, and mood fluctuations are common among menopausal women. Numerous small studies have examined how soy affects these symptoms, particularly hot flashes.

Controls women's hormonal imbalance

Women with erratic hormonal activity might consume soya chunks frequently thanks to the phytoestrogens in them.

The largest benefit is shown in postmenopausal women and those with PCOS. It mimics oestrogen and controls the female menstrual cycle.

Strengthens digestive health

Studies on both animals and people have shown that eating soy products may boost the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the gut, improving gut health.

Has anti-inflammatory qualities

Numerous areas of human health, including a decreased risk of inflammatory disorders including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain malignancies, have been proven to benefit from soy diet use.

According to research, soy protein is effective in reducing osteoarthritis-related pain and inflammation.

Soya Chunks' Nutritional Values 

The nutritional content can change based on the brand and cooking technique. For instance, the following nutrient profile applies to a well-known soy chunk brand in India. 

For every 100 grams of soy chunks: 

Energy: 345 kcal 

52 g of protein 

33 g of carbohydrates, 

13 g of fiber 

Fats: 0.50 g 

350 mg. of calcium 

Fe: 20 mg 

Bean Chunks Amounts of nutrients: 

A serving of soya chunk (100 g) contains a sizable number of calories. Therefore, based on daily calorie intake, one should determine portion size carefully. 

Some brands demand that you first fry the soy pieces in oil. Calories can be significantly increased by this procedure. 

Soy pieces provide a very high level of protein. Comparatively, just 27 g and 13 g of protein, respectively, are present in 100 g of chicken and egg, respectively. The abundance of protein meets the daily requirements of both men and women. 

In a similar vein, soy chunk fat content pales in comparison to that of meat and eggs. 

Soya pieces contain a significant amount of calcium. A third of the daily recommended value is represented by the amount. 

The list of nutrients also includes additional trace amounts of iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Their presence is insignificant, though.

Are soya bean chunks good for health?

Soya Chunks have a high concentration of polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, and they are a fantastic source of protein. Many bodily systems, including the circulatory system, skin, hair, and bone, may benefit from its nutritional profile. Soya chunks can thus be a healthy addition to your diet.

Are Soya Chunks Good For Weight Loss?

Soya chunks are beneficial for weight reduction because of the following features, as stated in a study report that was published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences and focused on the function that dietary soy protein involved in the development of obesity:

  • Avoid the accumulation of fat excess around your organs.
  • The body's level of bad cholesterol should be lowered.
  • Because of the high fibre content, the movement of food through the digestive tract is slowed down. This further extends the amount of time necessary for the digestive process, which in turn helps you feel satisfied for a longer amount of time.
  • If you want to maximise your weight reduction results, adding apple cider vinegar supplements to your diet is a great idea.

Soybean versus Soya Chunks

You may be asking what soya chunk is and how it's distinct from soybean. Soybeans are a kind of legume that is frequently grown in East India. They are also known as soya beans and soybeans. The residue that is left behind after removing the fat from the soybeans is called defatted soya flour. It is a component in the production of soya chunks.

Therefore, soybeans are the primary ingredient in the production of soy chunks. Therefore, the health advantages of both are comparable.

Take Away

Soybean pieces are high in fiber and protein. However, excessive consumption of soy chunks should be avoided. In rare circumstances, phytoestrogens may be dangerous. Health issues include hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, and increased uric acid levels in the body might result from it. 15 to 25 grams of soy chunks per day are the suggested serving size.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I eat raw soya chunks?

Yes! One can eat raw soya chunks. But always Try to eat home-cooked soya chunks, and always eat in moderation.

2. Do soya chunks increase weight?

Soya chunks are very nutrient-dense and help people lose weight. They are a perfect addition to your diet for weight loss because they are high in protein, fibre, and healthy fats. Therefore, consuming them in the suggested daily amounts (25 to 30 g) will aid in weight loss and does not result in weight gain.

3. What is the digestion time of soya chunks?

The time required for the digestion of soya chunks is 2-3 hours.


  1. Soy Protein May Alleviate Osteoarthritis Symptoms
  2. Valorisation of By-Products from Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Processing
  3. Manuel T. Velasquez1 and Sam J. Bhathena, Feb 2007, Role of Dietary Soy Protein in Obesity