Cholesterol Diet: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid

Cholesterol Diet: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid

Meals to Eat & Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol

People have avoided cholesterol-rich foods like eggs for decades, afraid that they may raise their risk of heart disease.

Certain cholesterol-rich meals provide critical elements that are deficient in the diets of many individuals.

Foods to Eat

Here are high-cholesterol meals that are also quite healthy.


Eggs are also heavy in cholesterol, with one big egg (50 grams) containing 207 milligrams.

Eggs, on the other hand, do not elevate cholesterol levels and, in fact, eating whole eggs may increase the heart-protective HDL (good) cholesterol.

Aside from being high in cholesterol, eggs are a good source of highly absorbable protein and minerals including selenium, vitamin A, and a variety of B vitamins.


A single slice of Swiss cheese (22 grams) has around 20 mg of cholesterol. Despite the fact that cheese is often linked to higher cholesterol, multiple studies have shown that full-fat cheese does not enhance cholesterol levels. Although the nutritional value of different varieties of cheese varies, they all include a considerable quantity of calcium, protein, vitamin A, and B  vitamins.


Shellfish, such as clams, crabs, and shrimp, are high in protein, B vitamins, iron, and selenium. They also have a lot of cholesterol. A 3-ounce (85-gram) portion of canned shrimp, for example, has 214 mg of cholesterol.

Pastured raised steak

The cholesterol content of a 4-ounce (113-gram) portion of pasture-raised beef is about 62 mg.


Sardines are a delicious and easy protein source that can be used in a number of cuisines in addition to being high in nutrients.

These little fish include 131 mg of cholesterol per 3.75-ounce (92-gram) meal, as well as 63 per cent of the cholesterol normal value/Daily Value (DV) for vitamin D, 137 per cent of the DV for vitamin B12, and 35 per cent of the DV for calcium. 

Yoghurt with added fat

Full-fat yoghurt is a cholesterol-rich food high in protein, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and potassium, among other minerals. Full-fat yoghurt has 31.8 mg of cholesterol per cup (245 grams).

Increased consumption of full-fat fermented dairy products has been linked to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as a decreased risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes, according to research.

In addition, fermented dairy products like yoghurt promote intestinal health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Foods to Avoid

The food to be avoided includes:

Fried foods

This is because they're heavy in calories and may include trans fats, which may raise your risk of heart disease and harm your health in a variety of ways. 

Quick-service restaurants

People who consume fast food regularly have greater cholesterol, more belly fat, increased inflammation, and poor blood sugar management.

Lowering body weight, body fat, and heart disease risk factors such as high LDL (bad) cholesterol are all linked to eating less processed foods and preparing more meals at home.

Processed meats

Processed meats, such as sausages, bacon, and hot dogs, contain a lot of cholesterol and should be avoided. Increased incidences of heart disease and some malignancies, such as colon cancer, have been related to the high consumption of certain foods.


Consuming these meals on a regular basis may have a detrimental impact on your health and contribute to weight gain over time.

Furthermore, these meals are often lacking the vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy fats that your body needs to flourish.

What exactly is cholesterol, and is it harmful?

Cholesterol is a waxy chemical present in your body as well as meat, eggs, and dairy products. It is involved in the creation of hormones, vitamin D, and bile, which is vital for fat digestion. It's also a necessary component of every cell in your body, providing strength and flexibility to cell membranes.

Although your liver creates all of the cholesterol your body requires, cholesterol may also be consumed from animal products. Because cholesterol does not mix well with liquids like blood, it is carried by lipoproteins, which include low-density and high-density lipoproteins, or LDL and HDL.

Because LDL is linked to plaque building in your arteries, it's generally referred to as "bad cholesterol," (LDL cholesterol meaning) while HDL ("good cholesterol") helps your body remove excess cholesterol.

How to reduce Cholesterol?

High LDL (bad) cholesterol levels may cause cholesterol accumulation in your blood vessels, increasing your risk of heart disease. LDL levels may be reduced and the LDL-to-HDL ratio improved by making certain lifestyle and dietary adjustments.

Here are some evidence-based, healthful strategies to decrease your cholesterol:

Increase your fibre intake. According to research, consuming more fibre, particularly soluble fibre like that found in fruits, beans, and oats, may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Increase your level of physical exercise. Increasing your physical activity is a great strategy to reduce your cholesterol. The most effective strategy to lower LDL seems to be high-intensity aerobic exercise.

Reduce your weight. One of the most effective strategies to reduce cholesterol levels is to lose weight. It may lower LDL while raising HDL, which is good for your health.

Reduce the amount of time you spend doing things you don't want to do. Smoking cessation, for example, may considerably lower LDL levels. Smoking increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, and emphysema by raising LDL cholesterol levels.

Consume more fruits and vegetables. People who eat more fruits and vegetables have lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and are less likely to develop heart disease than those who consume less of these items, according to research.

Even if you just try a couple of the above tips, you may see a considerable reduction in cholesterol levels as well as other health advantages including weight loss and better food habits.

Take Away

Foods high in cholesterol aren't all created equal. While certain foods are healthy, such as eggs and full-fat yoghurt, others might be harmful to your health. Though most individuals may safely consume the good cholesterol-rich foods described above, harmful high cholesterol items such as fried foods, sweets, and processed meats should be avoided. Remember that just because something has a lot of cholesterol in it doesn't mean it can't be part of a healthy diet.
