Is It True that High Levels of Insulin are Not Good for Those with Acne

Does high insulin affect the skin?
Acne is a widespread skin problem that affects almost 10% of the global population. Sebum and keratin production, acne-causing bacteria, hormones, clogged pores, and inflammation are all elements that contribute to the development of acne.
- Sugars and refined grains
Acne sufferers eat more refined carbs than those who do not have acne.
The following foods are high in refined carbohydrates:
- White flour is used in bread, crackers, cereal, and sweets.
- White flour pasta is a kind of pasta that is produced using white flour.
- Rice noodles with white rice
- Sugar-sweetened drinks, such as sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages
- Cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, or agave nectar
Refined carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, leading blood sugar levels to spike. Insulin resistance levels increase when blood sugar levels rise, helping to transport blood sugars out of the circulation and into your cells.
High insulin levels, on the other hand, are not healthy for acne sufferers. Insulin boosts insulin-like growth factor 1 and makes androgen hormones more active (IGF-1). Low-glycemic diets, on the other hand, are linked to lower acne severity because they do not significantly boost blood sugar or insulin levels.
- Milk and Dairy Products
Milk has been demonstrated to increase insulin levels independently of blood sugar levels, thereby aggravating acne. Cow's milk amino acids stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1, which has been linked to the development of acne.
Although theories abound as to why drinking milk may aggravate acne, it's unclear if dairy has a direct effect. More study is required to discover whether a certain quantity or kind of dairy might worsen acne. Acne is closely linked to a Western-style diet that is high in calories, fat, and processed carbs.
Burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, french fries, drinks, and milkshakes are staples of the average Western diet and may raise the risk of acne.
Although it is unknown why fast food may raise the risk of acne, some experts believe it may impact gene expression and hormone levels in a manner that encourages acne development.
- Omega-6 Fats-Rich Foods
Increased levels of inflammation and acne have been related to diets high in omega-6 fatty acids, such as the normal Western diet. This might be due to the fact that Western diets are high in omega-6 fats like maize and soy oils, and include little omega-3 fats like fish and walnuts. The body is pushed into an inflammatory condition by this imbalance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which may exacerbate acne severity. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, has been shown to lessen inflammation and acne severity.
It's unknown why chocolate causes acne, consuming chocolate boosted immune system sensitivity to acne-causing bacteria, which might help explain these results.
- Powdered Whey Protein
A common dietary supplement is whey protein. It's high in leucine and glutamine, two essential amino acids. These amino acids speed up the growth and division of skin cells, which may lead to acne production. Whey protein's amino acids may also cause the body to create more insulin, which has been related to the development of acne.
- Foods You're Sensitive To Acne is thought to be an inflammatory condition at its core.
The fact that anti-inflammatory medications, such as corticosteroids, are effective treatments for severe acne and that persons with acne have higher amounts of inflammatory chemicals in their blood supports this theory. Food sensitivities, also known as delayed hypersensitivity responses, are one way that food might contribute to inflammation.
When your immune system misidentifies food as a danger, it initiates an immunological response against it, resulting in food sensitivities. As a consequence, pro-inflammatory chemicals circulate in high quantities throughout the body, potentially aggravating the acne.
Because there are so many things that your immune system potentially responds to, an elimination diet under the direction of a certified dietitian or nutrition consultant is the best method to determine your own triggers. Elimination diets operate by decreasing the number of items in your diet for a short period of time in order to remove triggers and gain symptom relief, then gradually reintroducing foods while documenting your symptoms and searching for trends.
Food sensitivity testing, such as Mediator Release Testing (MRT), may help you figure out which foods cause inflammation in your immune system and provide you with a better starting point for your exclusion diet.
What to Eat instead- How do you treat insulin resistance acne?
While the meals mentioned above may contribute to the development of acne, there are other foods and nutrients that may aid in the maintenance of clean skin. These are some of them:
- Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, and frequent ingestion has been associated with a lower incidence of acne.
- Probiotics: Probiotics help to maintain a healthy gut and a balanced microbiome, which has been associated with decreased inflammation and a reduced risk of acne.
- Green tea includes polyphenols, which have been linked to decreased inflammation and sebum production. When applied to the skin, green tea extracts have been reported to lessen the severity of acne.
- Turmeric includes the anti-inflammatory polyphenol curcumin, which may help manage blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and limit the development of acne-causing bacteria, resulting in acne reduction.
- Vitamins A, D, E, and zinc are important for skin and immunological health, and they may help prevent acne.
Take Away
Dietary habits as a whole are likely to have a greater influence on skin health than eating — or not eating — any one meal. It's generally not essential to totally eliminate all of the foods associated with acne; rather, eat them in moderation with the other nutrient-dense meals mentioned above. In the interim, keeping a food journal to search for correlations between the things you consume and your skin's health may be useful. For additional tailored counsel, you may consult with a licenced dietician.