How to Increase Collagen Under Eyes Naturally?

How to Increase Collagen Under Eyes Naturally?
What Is Collagen and How Does It Work?
What Causes Collagen Loss Around The Eyes?
How to Rebuild Collagen in the Areas Around Your Eyes?
How To Prevent Sun Damage?
Take Away
Have you noticed that wrinkles and fine lines are growing around your eyes? These are the telltale indicators of aging skin. It occurs naturally as you get older, but collagen depletion in your skin accelerates the process.
What Is Collagen and How Does It Work?
Collagen is derived from the Greek word Kolla, which means "glue," and the suffix -gen, which means "making."
Collagen is your body's most prevalent protein. It takes up 75-80% of the skin's surface area. Collagen is present in your bones, organs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels, in addition to your skin. Collagen, like elastin, helps to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Collagen is present in the majority of anti-ageing products on the market because of this.
What Causes Collagen Loss Around The Eyes?
The loss of collagen in the skin is caused by aging and a bad diet. Natural collagen is created by your body mixing amino acids from protein-rich diets. Vitamin C, copper, and zinc are also required to complete the process.
However, as you become older, your body may struggle to absorb and synthesize these nutrients. In your early twenties, your body's collagen synthesis begins to decline by 1% every year. Other elements that influence collagen synthesis include:
- pollution
- smoking
- stress
- simple carbohydrate overconsumption (i.e. refined sugars)
While wrinkles are the most visible indicator of collagen loss, they may also cause muscular weakness, joint discomfort, and tendons and ligament stiffness. It has also been linked to gastrointestinal issues.
How to Rebuild Collagen in the Areas Around Your Eyes?
Wrinkles and fine lines emerge, indicating that the skin is beginning to age. This area of the skin is also prone to dryness. You don't need to be concerned if you've seen any symptoms of skin ageing around your eyes. We've compiled a list of eight techniques to help you enhance collagen levels in your skin.
Keep yourself hydrated
We're sure you've already heard this piece of advice. Water has several benefits for your health. It reduces bladder infections, constipation, migraines, and kidney stones by balancing your body temperature.
In the natural creation of collagen, water also plays a role. Collagen has a hard time rebuilding itself when your skin is dehydrated. Furthermore, your epidermis, or the outer layer of skin, needs water to be healthy.
Other Hydration Sources
You should be aware that there are alternatives to drinking water for staying hydrated. You can stay hydrated by eating foods like watermelon, spinach, and other fruits and vegetables. Sugary beverages should be avoided. Instead, you may drink milk, herbal tea, or juice.
How To Prevent Sun Damage?
If you must go out, try to avoid lengthy exposure to the sun. Additionally, wear sunscreen to protect your skin at all times. To be effective in preventing dangerous UV rays, your sunscreen must be at least SPF 30.
Remember that even while you're at home, you're exposed to the sun's dangerous rays. Even if you aren't going out, the sun's rays may penetrate your windows, so apply sunscreen even if you aren't going out.
Boost Your Vitamin C Count
Vitamin C offers several health advantages. It protects against free antiradical damage as an antioxidant. Furthermore, vitamin C is necessary for the development and repair of your body's tissues.
Vitamin C is neither produced nor stored naturally in the body. Your body, on the other hand, needs it in order to manufacture collagen. Vitamin C may be found in a variety of foods, including:
- Oranges
- Mango
- Pineapple
- Papaya
- Watermelon
- Cantaloupe
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes
- Broccoli
- peppers, both green and red
- Potatoes
Vegetables with plenty of leaves
It's important to note, however, that vitamin C only works if you're well hydrated. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it travels throughout the body with the help of water. If you are dehydrated, no amount of vitamin C can help. As a result, we're repeating ourselves. Keep yourself hydrated.
Use Hyaluronic Acid-Infused Products
Hyaluronic acid, commonly known as hyaluronan, is an important chemical in skin moisturization. It is produced by the body on its own. This chemical is responsible for your skin's ability to retain water. You can use this product as an eye cream for the under-eyes.
Maintain a healthy diet
Vitamins C, A, and vitamin E are all common ingredients in skincare products. You can help your skin (and the rest of your body) generate healthy new cells by including foods high in these vitamins in your diet. One can also use Biotin to boost collagen production.
Utilize Retinol-Based Products
You've most likely heard about retinol. Vitamin A produces retinol, which is a form of retinoid. It enhances:
- the texture of the skin
- skin colour
- hydration
- pigmentation
It helps minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, much like any other anti-ageing treatment. However, you should be aware that not all retinoids are created equal. Tretinoin is more powerful than other retinoids for treating wrinkles, acne, dark spots, and rough skin. You should first visit a doctor to see whether your condition enables you to take tretinoin. Another kind of retinoid used to treat severe acne is isotretinoin. It's not to be found in other skincare products; it's to be taken orally, generally in the form of capsules.
Retinol's Advantages
Because retinol is gentler than tretinoin, it's more typically used in skincare products. It has fewer negative effects, such as itching and reddening. Depending on your condition, you may begin utilizing retinol as early as your mid-20s. For that, you should contact a dermatologist.
Because the skin around the eyes is delicate and sensitive, some individuals assume that putting retinol there is risky. The contrary, however, is true! Retinol should not be used near the eyes since it causes skin aging indicators such as wrinkles. Retinol encourages the formation of collagen in the skin's deeper layers. Remember to use retinol with a moisturizer as carefully as possible. Retinoids with a higher potency, such as tretinoin, should also be avoided.
Make the switch to a healthier diet and way of life
Aside from aging, bad food and lifestyle contribute to a decline in collagen production. A diet high in simple carbohydrates, such as white bread and refined sugar, should be avoided.
You Should Eat These collagen-boosting Foods
To help your body produce collagen, eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamin C-rich foods, such as broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, and bell peppers, are beneficial. Mineral-rich diets, such as whole grains, seafood, and nuts, are also necessary.
Protein-rich foods are good to eat because they provide amino acids that the body needs to make collagen. Among these foods are:
- chicken
- fish
- eggs
- items made from milk
- beans
Broth made from bones
Because it is made from cattle, fish, or chicken bones, bone broth is a good source of collagen. You can prepare it at home by boiling bones for one to two days in water. However, while creating bone broth, you must be cautious. To prevent antibiotics, pesticides, and other toxins, be sure you're utilizing organically produced animals.
Take Away
It's normal to develop wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. While skincare products, UV protection, and a healthy lifestyle may help you prevent or lessen the appearance of fine lines, you may not be able to completely eliminate them. Make an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist for expert guidance on how to handle this delicate region.