Can Ayurvedic Treatments help with Dry Skin in Summer

Can Ayurvedic Treatments help with Dry Skin in Summer

Ayurvedic Remedies for Dry Skin in Summer

Dry skin can be due to various causes. It may be due to genetic predispositions, extreme temperatures, malnutrition, sebaceous obstruction, or medication.

Ayurveda's View on Dry Skin

As per Ayurveda, the accumulation of Vata in the body can cause dry skin. People over 50 years are mostly affected by this problem. Too much Vata can dry out the skin, makes your hair thinner and drier and makes your fingernails brittle as well.

In order to enhance the skin's moisture level and guard it against dryness, we must first take care of our skin. There are several herbal remedies that Ayurveda recommends. Changing your self-care routine can also enhance your quality of life.

Ayurvedic Treatment Options for Dry Skin


One of the very vital Ayurvedic treatments for dry skin is Abhyanga. Abhyanga is a self-massage of the body with oils that are applied every day. Coconut, sesame, almond, or castor oils all make excellent massage oils. It is best to warm a little oil, massage it into the skin and leave the skin for half an hour before taking a shower. You can also use herbal oils 2 times a week.

Apricot kernel oil can be used 2-3 times a week, specifically at bedtime. It keeps the skin supple, promotes blood circulation and minimises water retention.


Use herbs and foods that help nourish the skin like aloe vera juice or gel, chamomile or calendula. For example, Aloe Vera has antifungal and antibacterial properties, and it cools certain types of skin problems caused by extremely dry skin, such as itching and rashes. Sandalwood is also known for its cooling properties. It helps prevents inflammation and minimise acne, pimples and other rashes.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Changes for Dry Skin

Shower less, use more oil

The best way to prevent dry skin is to wash your skin less often, and with cooler water, as warm water can dry out the skin. Avoid using soaps that wash away the natural oils of your skin. After taking shower, apply a thin layer of coconut oil on the skin and then dab off with a towel.

Drink enough water

The most important tip is to drink plenty of water (preferably warm water) to keep your body hydrated. If the body is generally under-hydrated, it is unable to provide the skin with enough fluid. 


Have a balanced diet that includes enough vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and carbohydrates. Deep-fried food should be avoided. It is advised to eat vegetables and fruits with high water content, like:

- Cucumbers

- Salad

- Watermelon

- Radishes

Cooking with ghee (clarified butter) is also a good idea.


Ideally, you should exercise daily. This helps to keep Vata from accumulating in the body. Exercise helps to boost metabolism, which leads to a better release of toxins, enhances blood circulation and keeps the muscles and joints healthy and fit.

Get enough sleep

The body and mind cannot function properly without enough sleep. So it is suggested to sleep for at least seven hours a day.

Reduce stress

Practising yoga and meditation helps to reduce stress, which can be a big trigger for dry skin.

Avoid extreme weather conditions

Neither extreme heat of summer nor cold weather in the winter is beneficial for the skin. It is, therefore, necessary to avoid exposing your skin to these weather conditions as much as possible.

Summer Skincare Routine For Dry Skin

Choose hydrating and Vata-dosha-pacifying products in the summer skincare routine. You can opt for herbal skincare products which consist of Vata balancing herbs such as Yashtimadhu, Sariva, Shatavari, kumari, etc. Include these steps for a good summer skincare regime for dry skin:

Step 1: Cleansing

Start your summer skincare routine by washing your face with a gentle, hydrating, non-foaming cleanser which will help to remove the dirt, sweat, and sebum from your skin pores and prepare it to absorb the skincare products that you apply over it.

Step 2: Exfoliating

Dry skin can cause a lot of dead skin accumulation. Exfoliation is a way to clear the dead skin from the epidermis, keeping your skin brighter and flawless. Exfoliating your skin, not more than 2-3 times a week is usually recommended.

Step 3: Using A Toner

Natural toners like rose water, witch hazel, etc. can be a better way to rejuvenate your dry and dull skin during summer. Besides well hydrating your skin, toners help in cleansing the dirt off and shrinking the pores providing a firm and smooth skin texture.

Step 4: Moisturizing

Moisturization is a very important skincare step, which needs to be addressed irrespective of the skin type and season. For dry skin, it is recommended to select a cream-based moisturizer, containing oils and emollients along with some hydrating agents.

Step 5: Applying Sunscreen

Apply sunscreen as the last step of the protection layer to your skin before using any make-up. It protects your skin from exposure to UV radiation, which is one of the main causes of dry skin during summer. It also helps to reduce skin pigmentation. Reapplication is also required after every 2-3 hours.

How To Take Care & Prevent Dry Skin In Summer?

  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Cut down salty, sweet, fried, and processed foods. Drink enough water daily to keep your body and skin well-hydrated.
  • Avoid consuming too much caffeine.
  • Apply sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 daily even if you are not stepping out in the sun.
  • Use a towel gently on your skin after bathing or face washing.
  • Stay away from harsh chemical skin products.
  • Avoid hot showers completely as they can dry out your skin severely.
  • Always wet your skin with normal water before shaving.
  • Use a humidifier to help retain the moisture in your skin.
  • Do not use too much make-up. Let your skin breathe by applying minimal make-up during summers.
  • Always carry a facial mist with you in summer as it helps to rehydrate your skin every 2-3 hours.

Take Away

Certain factors like UV radiation and pollution can lead to dry skin during summers. Hydrating and Vata pacifying herbal ingredients recommended by Ayurveda, not only help to resolve dull and dry skin but also revitalize the skin with essential nutrients. However, visit an experienced dermatologist if the dry skin does not improve with the natural treatments.
