Benefits of gram flour for skin

6 Benefits of Gram Flour for the Skin
How to apply gram flour on the face?
Gram flour and turmeric for skin whitening
Gram flour vs rice flour for skin
Side effects of gram flour on the face
Take Away
Gram flour is a common ingredient used in the Indian kitchen. It is made from skinned and split chickpeas and has a variety of uses ranging from being a thickening agent to a base for curries.
In the beauty regime of Indians, gram flour has been used for thousands of years to make face packs and moisturisers. It is a natural ingredient that works as a great exfoliant on the skin, helps reduce acne, and evens out the complexion. Being a substitute for soap it is a natural cleanser for faces. It removes all the impurities and traces of makeup from the skin and makes skin soft, smooth, and glowing.
The order of grinding is important to get maximum benefits from it. It can be used to prepare homemade face packs, facial masks, body packs, etc. According to an Australian study eating gram flour regularly can reduce cholesterol too.
6 Benefits of Gram Flour for the Skin
Gram flour is the most effective & inexpensive ingredient that is used in all the possible ways to remove and treat skin and hair problems. But there are advantages of using gram flour for the skin:
1. Anti-Acne Properties
Gram flour can be used by all skin types and works as a natural cleansing agent with soothing and nourishing properties. It has the ability to balance oil production and also help reduce acne and pimples.
2. Effective Exfoliant
It can also be used as an exfoliative agent that helps get rid of dry and dull skin. All you need for this is gram flour, milk, and honey. Take a pinch of gram flour with milk and stir to form a paste. Now apply the paste to your face and neck area for 10-15 minutes.
3. Great Moisturiser
According to experts, gram flour is very beneficial for your skin and hair. The texture of gram flour is thicker than chickpea flour, which is also known as garbanzo bean flour. So it gives extra moisture to the skin. It makes the skin soft and smooth.
4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Gram Flour is a unique product that is packed with several nutrients that are essential for the skin. It not only nourishes the skin but also treats several skin conditions like acne, wounds, and inflammation.
5. Removes Blackhead
Gram flour is an effective source of protein and amino acids that help in building up new tissues. It also helps in reducing acne and blackheads. Gram Flour is an effective source of protein and amino acids that help in building up new tissues.
6. Hair Benefits
Gram Flour can be used on your hair for hair packs or conditioners. Mix 2 tablespoons of gram flour, 2 tablespoons of curd, 1 egg white, and some drops of lime juice in a big bowl until it becomes a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair for 20 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
How to apply gram flour on the face?
Here are three ways to use gram flour on your face:
Gram flour acts as an excellent exfoliating agent and can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scars, acne marks, uneven skin tone, and more.
Way 1:
The best way to use gram flour on the skin is to soak a cotton ball or soft cloth in gram flour mixed with rose water (1:4 ratio) and then gently rub it on the skin.
It has a high concentration of vitamins A and C, along with folate, calcium, and phosphorus. These nutrients help you maintain healthy skin and hair, as well as provide energy from within.
Way 2:
Creamy homemade gram flour face packs can be prepared by mixing gram flour with ingredients such as cucumber, yoghurt, sandalwood powder, or lemon juice. Essential oils can also be added to create rejuvenating content.
The anti-aging properties of gram flour make it a perfect choice for people who are looking for natural ingredients to fight against the signs of ageing. It is a good exfoliant and in case you have a pimple coming on, applying gram flour can help you remove it in a clean way. It will also help to prevent scars from being left behind.
Gram flour is a rich source of protein. It contains traces of vitamin B complex. It also contains carbohydrates, fibre, and minerals like zinc, iron, and selenium. You can use gram flour to reduce the appearance of acne and control oily skin.
Simply mix a teaspoon of gram flour with a little rose water - a natural astringent - and apply it on your face every morning before going out in the sun. After a few days, you will notice a noticeable reduction in the appearance of acne and oily skin.
Gram flour and turmeric for skin whitening
Gram flour is a great mix of turmeric for a skincare regime. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic that helps in fighting bacteria on the skin making it clear. Turmeric also aids in fighting acne and oiliness on the skin.
Mixing gram flour with turmeric and small amounts of curd is the ultimate solution for all our skin problems. This pack helps fight acne, pimples, skin tan, blackheads, whiteheads, scars, patchy skin, infections, clogged pores, skin dullness, and more. If you are looking for skin whitening then this pack is the best recommendation, it makes your skin glow from the first wash and also gives a natural smooth shiny look.
Gram flour vs rice flour for skin
Gram flour and rice flour are the top and ancient solutions for anyone looking for a better and more natural skincare regime.
Gram flour and rice flour are easily available and are cost-effective. Both flours help in treating acne, and pimples, and are rich in antioxidants. Reduces skin pores and increases the elasticity of the skin. Apart from these benefits gram flour also benefits hair, acts as an inflammatory agent, and acts as a natural moisturiser too.
Side effects of gram flour on the face
Though gram flour has numerous health benefits and skin benefits, it has negative side effects on the skin too. Too much usage of gram flour on the skin/face dries up and forms scales. And people suffering from dry skin should totally avoid this pack for their skin. Apart from this gram flour doesn't have any side effects when used in the right quantities.
Take Away
Since gram helps in reinforcing the hair and prevents hair loss and grey hair. It contains essential nutrients that are beneficial for skin and hair in many different ways. Try out some DIY besan face and hair packs to get flawless skin and voluminous hair.
Can I use besan as a face wash daily?
Although besan as a face wash has numerous advantages, it cannot be used daily, because it removes the natural oils on the face making it dry and scaly.
Which flour is best for face whitening?
Every flour that is available in the market has its health benefits and skin benefits and out of all the gram flour and rice flour are the best for skin whitening agents.
How long should I apply gram flour on my face?
Apply the face pack on the skin and leave it for 20 minutes, and rinse it properly, doing this procedure twice a week can yield better results.
Gram flour Benefits for skin. By Sugar Cosmetics, Jun 29, 2022.
Beauty benefits of gram flour for skin. By Femina, Apr 11, 2022.