Will Weight Loss Reverse Diabetes?

How does sugar affect weight loss?
Weight Loss and Diabetes Reversal
Strategies that Help Weight Loss & Leads to Diabetes Reversal
Take Away
Several people with obesity experience high blood sugar levels. Researchers have found that certain people with type-2 diabetes have been able to reverse diabetes by losing weight. It can even become easier for them to lose weight if their BMI falls within the moderate range. Therefore, if you want to reverse diabetes or keep your blood sugar levels normal, you are required to maintain a healthy body weight.
Weight Loss and Diabetes Reversal
With the help of changes in diet and weight loss, you may attain healthy blood sugar levels without medications. Though, there is always a chance that the diabetes symptoms come back as it is an ongoing disease. But, you can control your diabetes and live healthy for various years without any diabetes-related troubles. The important key to reversing diabetes is weight loss. When you lose weight, the pancreatic beta-cells function effectively and are responsible for storing, producing and releasing insulin that regulates blood sugar levels.
Rescue Beta-cell Functions
The beta-cells in your body are located in the pancreas whose function is to store, produce and release insulin to manage blood sugar levels. When the fat gets accumulated near the pancreas and liver, the beta cells cannot function properly. It increases insulin resistance in your body, and secretion of insulin becomes low. Therefore, weight loss is required for reversing diabetes so that the beta-cells are rescued for boosting insulin release in the body.
Losing Visceral Fat for Diabetes management
People with obesity can lose weight if they want to reverse diabetes type-2. However, many people who are not even overweight also develop type-2 diabetes. The reason can be visceral fat, which wraps around your abdominal organs inside the body. You might not see or feel it. The visceral fat can cause trouble releasing protein and impact the hormones that lead to inflammation. This inflammation can enter your liver, damage the arteries, and negatively affect sugar and fat breakdown. Therefore, losing visceral fat is very crucial for diabetes management.
Strategies that Help Weight Loss & Leads to Diabetes Reversal
Adapting the following strategies in your life can help in effective weight loss, especially if you have diabetes:
Chalk out your motivation for weight loss: Many people very passionately start their weight loss journey but just give up within a few days or a month. Their spirit to continue just vanishes as they do not have any motivation for weight loss. Therefore, you need to find a positive motivation and keep moving towards your weight loss journey as it will help you sustain for longer to get better results.
Switch to the liquid diet: The fat is cut down from your body when you opt for the low-calorie liquid diet. It also enhances the digestion process in your body. The liver starts using the stored fat for producing energy. Therefore, you may feel weight loss when extra body fat is burnt in the body.
Select the right eating approach: It can be sometimes very challenging for people with diabetes to decide whether to start a low-fat or low-carb diet. Sticking to a single type of diet for a long time might not work for weight loss and may raise other health issues. Therefore, you are supposed to check which type of diet makes more difference in your weight loss and accordingly, you can select the type of diet and your eating approach that works for you better.
Have more calories in the morning: The time you eat your food matters a lot in maintaining your blood sugar levels. When you have more calories in the morning, your body will lower the need for insulin to manage blood sugar levels and aid in weight loss.
Make a gradual change: Many people do the mistake of starting all things together at once for weight loss. You will feel aggressively active initially, but after some time, you may find it daunting to continue. Therefore, it's necessary to start making gradual changes in your lifestyle for weight loss. It will help the body adapt to the changes easily, and you will continue with those changes for the long term.
Eat whole foods: Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre and micronutrients that enhance digestion and reduce blood sugar levels. So instead of eating products made with refined flours, you should add whole grains and unprocessed food items.
Monitor yourself: It is crucial to keep going with your weight loss journey. You need to monitor your routine, sugar cravings, body weight, and blood sugar levels. It will ensure that you are following the right weight loss program and are not hampering your health. When you keep a track of your body measurements and blood sugar levels, it becomes easier to know the effectiveness of your efforts. If there is no progress, you can change the weight loss program or look for other effective ways for weight loss.
Intermittent Fasting: It is now the latest trend in weight loss. Many people who have followed intermittent fasting have achieved their weight loss goals faster than others. Intermittent fasting is the pattern that includes regular fasting but for short intervals. Fasting for a short time prevents you from having more calories which leads to weight gain. When you consume lesser calories, your blood sugar levels also remain manageable. All you need is the right intermittent fasting plan.
You can see visible changes in your body weight when you follow these strategies. It even helps you to feel energetic and light from within. It will also help lower the stress hormones and enhance better health. Your body's metabolic functions will also get normal over time.
Take Away
Being overweight can cause various health problems, including raised blood sugar levels. If you want to manage your blood sugar levels or avoid diabetes, keep yourself in a healthy body weight range. Weight loss also helps to maintain the BMI of your body which boosts insulin resistance and treats diabetes.