What is Shiny Skin- Causes & Prevention?

What is Shiny Skin- Causes & Prevention

Is Shiny Skin Same As Oily Skin?

Shiny skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin produce too much sebum. Sebum is a waxy, oily substance that hydrates as well as protects the skin.

Sebum is necessary for keeping the skin healthy. However, too much sebum can leads to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne. Managing oily skin often needs a person to follow regular skincare habits.

What causes shiny skin?

There are a few different reasons for shiny skin.

One with more sebaceous glands has oilier skin than someone who has fewer of these oil-producing glands.

Your number of sebaceous glands is determined genetically. A high number is more common in people with fair skin tone.

Your T-zone — i.e. your forehead, nose, chin, and around your mouth — is also packed with sebaceous glands, so it is mainly the oiliest part of your face.

On top of excess sebum, some other factors can contribute to oiliness and shine, like:

  • hormones, especially during adolescence or pregnancy
  • medication
  • anxiety or stress
  • environmental factors
  • poor diet
  • insufficient sleep
  • sweating
  • a surprising potential factor is a dry skin

Over-exfoliating can alter your skin’s natural barrier function, causing dehydration and tighter-feeling skin. Harsh products that strip the skin's natural oils can also cause this problem.

When your skin lacks moisture, it might feel tight and itchy but look oily.

Treatment for shiny skin

  1. Wash regularly

Washing your face regularly can decrease the amount of oil on the skin. The following methods are recommended for washing shiny or oily skin:

  • Wash with a gentle cleanser using warm water.
  • Avoid soaps with fragrances, added moisturisers, or harsh chemicals, which can irritate or dry the skin, making it respond by producing more sebum.
  • Avoid loofahs and any rough washcloths, as added friction may stimulate the skin to produce more oil.

If this is not effective, a few medicated acne care products may help which contain acids that can tackle oily skin, like:

  • salicylic acid
  • glycolic acid
  • beta-hydroxy acid
  • benzoyl peroxide

These acids might be irritating to some skin types. Whenever you start using a new product, test it on a small area of your skin first to see how the body reacts.

  1. Use a toner

Astringent toners that contain alcohol can make the skin dry. However, according to a study, natural astringents, like witch hazel, can have skin-soothing properties as it has a high tannin content that makes them a natural astringent and anti-inflammatory. Several people with oily skin use witch hazel as their only natural toner.

In various people, natural astringent toners can make enlarged pores appear smaller and remove small bits of product or makeup that could cause clog pores. But some might find their face tingles or itches when using astringent toners. If this happens, it might be a sign of irritation that could cause more sebum production.

  1. Pat the face dry

When drying the face after gently washing and using toner, people should gently pat their skin dry using a soft towel carefully.

Pulling down on the skin with a towel, or a rough washcloth is not advised, as it may stimulate the skin to produce more sebum.

  1. Use blotting papers and medicated pads

Blotting papers will not treat the sebum production in the skin, but they can be used to remove the excess oil from the skin throughout the day to make it look less shiny.

You can also try cloth pads that are medicated with familiar cleansing components, like salicylic acid or glycolic acid which may also help to remove excess oil throughout the day.

  1. Use a facial mask

Some facial masks can be very beneficial for treating oily skin. These may contain ingredients like:

Clay. Masks containing minerals like smectite or bentonite can absorb oils and decrease skin shininess and sebum levels without irritating your skin. But use them only occasionally to prevent the drying out of the skin, and apply a gentle moisturiser afterwards.

Honey. Natural raw honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. A 10-minute honey face mask may help to reduce acne and oily skin while making your skin soft.

Oatmeal. Masks containing colloidal oatmeal may help to cleanse the skin as it contains gentle, cleansing saponins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds that could help soothe irritated skin.

  1. Apply moisturizers

While many people with shiny skin stay away from moisturizers for fear that their skin will look more greasy, using the right moisturisers can be beneficial for this type of skin.

For people with very oily skin, an oil-free moisturizer can help keep the skin moist and protected, without making it greasy.

Aloe vera is a good moisturiser for treating acne and oily skin as certain compounds in aloe vera can have a naturally soothing impact on the skin.


Oily skin that is associated with genetics can be hard to prevent. Even oily skin caused by alterations in hormones is difficult to control.

The best prevention for oily skin is for an individual to find a regular skincare regime that works, and to stick to it for a certain period of time to get its result.

Using water-based makeup may be a better option for some, while others find wearing no makeup works best for their shiny skin.

Having a well-balanced diet also plays a role in preventing it. It may also help to stay hydrated. So, avoid greasy foods and trans fats, and eat a well-rounded diet full of whole healthy foods.

Take Away

Ultimately, there are various different factors that play a role in how shiny your skin is. Like genetics, it might be out of your control. Others, like how often you’re scrubbing, are something you can easily modify.

Small changes to your skincare regime can often work to help you manage the shine on your skin.

Since every individual's skin is different, you should consult a certified dermatologist if you have these concerns. They can help you get the best plan of action for your individual case depending on your skin type.
