Unexplained Itching & Fatigue
Itching & Fatigue
Skin disorders can be very uncomfortable and can make your skin unhealthy and look red and dull. Itchy skin is one of them. This is also known as pruritus and is mostly caused by dryness of the skin. Skin tends to become drier as we grow old so it becomes very common in older adults.
Depending on various causes of the itchiness of your skin, your skin may appear normal, red, bumpy, or rough. If you do repeat scratching it can cause your skin to be thick and raised areas that might become infected or can even bleed.
Many patients can find relaxation from some home care products for skin rashes or bumps on the skin such as daily moisturizing, using mild soaps, gentle cleansers, and lukewarm water bathing.
Look for Symptoms of Itching
Itchy skin mostly affects small parts of your body like the arm, leg, scalp, or even the whole body. Itchiness of skin can also occur without any other visible changes on your skin. Or sometimes some visible symptoms may include:
- Scratch marks
- Redness
- Blisters, bumps, or spots
- Cracked Skin
- Scaly patches
Sometimes there are cases when itchiness may last longer and can be more severe than thought.
Reason For Skin Itching
Thyroid Problem
This gland located in your neck produces a hormone that helps your body to store and burn energy. If the thyroid gland does not make enough hormones then as a result you could feel weak, tired, dizzy, and achy. Yes, you could also suffer from dry and itchy skin.
Many skin problems are sometimes related to this disease as the first sign. If you are feeling itchy, it could be due to dry skin and a yeast infection. By working on your diabetes, taking a short bath, moisturizing daily, or using mild soap you can give a tough fight against skin itchiness.
Heart Stroke
Heart stroke basically happens when there is a cut in the short flow of blood to a part of your brain. Your jaw, throat, or even ear might feel the itch if the cranial nerves are affected which is close to your spinal cord and brain and even damage to various brain tissues can also cause you itchiness.
Lack of Iron
Anemia, which means that there is a lack of red blood cells in your body can make you feel tired, short of breath, and weak. Anemia can also make your skin itchy and look pale. You need to eat food that is rich in iron like beef liver, oyster, and dark chocolate.
Restless Legs Syndrome
In this situation, one might feel like the tissue is crawling, tingling, or itching under your skin. Doctors are still unable to find out what causes it but it has some relation with a brain chemical called dopamine which can be treated by medication.
When you are having a pregnancy your body sends more blood has been sent to your skin so that your belly can stretch which ultimately causes itching. You can control it by wearing breathable and loose clothes, having cool baths, and moisturizing yourself daily. Your doctor will monitor your baby and you very closely.
Shingles can only catch you if you have had chickenpox. Along with a blistering rash and pain, the virus kills cells in your brain which are called the sensory ganglia. This could lead to severe itching and pain for months even after the rash is gone.
Itching is rarely a sign of any type of cancer disease, but it is sometimes possible. A specific type of blood cancer called Polycythemia vera, a type of blood cancer may cause it. Pancreatic cancer can also make you feel itchy if a tumour blocks the bile ducts.
Over Medications
Sometimes various ongoing medications react together to make you itch. There may be a condition of rashes on your body. Mostly the culprits are antifungal, antimalarial, antibiotics, and other pain-relieving pain drugs like opioids. So consult your doctor before you start any medication.
Best Cream For Itchy Skin Rashes
In the case of Skin Itching, the first thing to do is to make sure of good hygiene, wash the part of your skin with fresh water then apply some trusted brands available in the market with following their direction for use concerning your specific skin issues only.
- For soothing irritated skin use zinc oxide ointment.
- Calamine lotion for contact dermatitis.
- Apply hydrocortisone cream or gel (1%) 2 times a day for severe itching until the itch is completely gone.
Fatigue is not only tiredness but it can also make it hard for your body to do a daily schedule.
Basically, both types of fatigue, physical and mental fatigue, are different. As time passes, repeated physical stress or over exhaustion always leads to mental fatigue.
Causes for fatigue
- Poor sleep in particular often leads to fatigue when it is occurring for a long duration. Studies recommended that most adults need to have 7–8 hours of sleep each night.
- Eating a healthful diet can provide you with an ample amount of essential nutrients that can lead you towards a healthy lifestyle while keeping you energetic throughout the day.
- Getting regular physical activity can help you in reducing fatigue.
Now fatigue has become a public health concern.
Symptoms of Fatigue
Fatigue symptoms can be physical, emotional, or mental.
Some common symptoms to look into can be
- Apathy
- Lack of motivation
- aching or muscle soreness
- Lack of concentration
- daytime drowsiness
- difficulty concentrating or in learning new things
- gastrointestinal problems
- Slow response time
- Headache
- Blurry vision.
Take Away
See any trusted skin specialist if the skin itching lasts for more than a week or your fatigue is still harming your daily routine for over two weeks. If skin itching or fatigue is disturbing you from getting a sound sleep then do consult with a professional doctor or dermatologist.