Stomach Inflammation Symptoms

a woman suffering from stomach inflammation

What is Stomach Inflammation?

The word "gastritis" refers to any ailment in which the stomach lining is inflamed. People with gastritis may control their symptoms by eating specific foods and avoiding others. Gastritis is a condition that may be either acute or persistent. Acute gastritis develops quickly and aggressively, but chronic gastritis develops gradually over time.

Gastritis may be caused by a variety of circumstances. Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • indigestion
  • stomach ache
  • nausea
  • feeling stuffed
  • Vomiting
  • loss of appetite

For the most part, gastritis is a mild condition that responds swiftly to therapy. Some types of gastritis, on the other hand, may cause ulcers or raise the risk of cancer.

A balanced diet has a significant role in digestion and overall health. Following a gastritis-friendly diet may help relieve your symptoms and improve your overall health.

Anti-inflammatory foods

Some meals may aid in the management of your gastritis and the alleviation of symptoms. Chronic gastritis is not usually caused by diet, however, some foods might aggravate the symptoms. These might include meals such as:

  • fried
  • spicy
  • acidic nature

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease, and studies show that eating an anti-inflammatory diet may help decrease inflammation. The following are some nutritional strategies that may aid in the management of inflammation:

  • lentils and other pulses containing fermentable fibre.
  • selecting low-glycemic-index carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and veggies
  • Limiting saturated fat consumption in favour of healthy fats such as omega-3 fats found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds
  • entire grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes are abundant in fibre.
  • non-carbonated beverages
  • Caffeine-free beverages

Some studies claim that probiotics may assist with gastrointestinal issues caused by Helicobacter pylori, generally known as H. pylori, according to a 2016 review. These bacteria induce a digestive system infection that may lead to gastritis or stomach ulcers. H. pylori is, in fact, the most prevalent cause of gastritis, accounting for 90 per cent of cases. As a result, probiotic foods may aid in the treatment of gastritis. These are some of them:

  • kombucha
  • yoghurt
  • kimchi
  • sauerkraut

Smaller, more frequent meals might also aid in symptom relief. Some kinds of gastritis make it harder for your body to absorb iron or vitamin B12, resulting in a deficiency. 

Foods to avoid during gastritis

Food allergies may cause gastritis in certain persons. The following foods may irritate the stomach and aggravate gastritis:

Tomatoes and other fruits are acidic foods.

  • alcohol
  • carbonated beverages
  • coffee
  • foods high in fat
  • foods that have been fried
  • juices of fruits
  • foods that have been pickled
  • meals 
  • tea

If you discover that a specific meal or food category exacerbates your symptoms, avoiding it might help you avoid them. 

With an ulcer and gastroenteritis, a special diet is required

Some kinds of gastritis, if left untreated, may progress to a stomach ulcer, also known as a peptic ulcer. The items you should consume or avoid if you have an ulcer are similar to those you should avoid if you have gastritis.

If you have an ulcer, you should eat meals that are high in nutrients. It is simpler for the ulcer to heal if you eat a healthy, balanced diet. The following foods are authorised, according to a study on diet and stomach ulcers:

  • Low-fat cheeses, milk, yoghurt
  • olive oil and vegetable oils
  • Apples, melons, and bananas are examples of fruits.
  • Leafy greens, carrots, spinach, and zucchini are some examples of vegetables.
  • lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans are examples of legumes.
  • meats that are low in fat
  • juices made from natural ingredients

People who have a stomach ulcer should also avoid the following foods:

foods that have been fried

  • peppers 
  • chocolate
  • caffeinated beverages
  • mustard seeds

There is minimal evidence to back up these precise dietary guidelines for gastritis. Your best bet is to talk to a doctor or nutritionist about creating a personalised diet based on your symptoms and food responses. Gastritis may be caused by a variety of circumstances.

The causes of various forms of gastritis are diverse. Here are a few examples:

  • H. pylori bacterial infection
  • The bacterium H. pylori is the most prevalent cause of gastritis, accounting for 90% of all cases.
  • An H. pylori infection in infancy that continues to create issues in adulthood is the most common cause of chronic gastritis.

Damage to the stomach lining

Gastritis is caused by a variety of events that injure the stomach lining, including:

  • consuming alcoholic beverages and ingesting certain drugs
  • using aspirin and other pain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) (NSAIDs)
  • ingesting a caustic substance
  • being infected with germs or viruses
  • Having radioactive treatments administered to the upper abdomen or lower chest
  • undergoing stomach surgery to remove a portion of the stomach

Serious disease or damage

Acute stress gastritis may be caused by a significant sickness or accident. Gastritis is caused by an increase in stomach acid caused by an injury to your body — not necessarily to your stomach — or an infection that affects the blood supply to your stomach.

Autoimmune illness

Gastritis may also be caused by autoimmune disorders. When the immune system attacks the body's own healthy tissue in the stomach lining, this happens.

Allergies to foods

The connection between food allergies and gastritis is yet unknown. According to the National Organization for Uncommon Disorders, food allergies may induce eosinophilic gastroenteritis, a rare kind of gastrointestinal inflammation. Determine any food allergies with the help of your doctor or a board-certified allergist.

Gastritis treatment 

Antibiotics will be prescribed if H. pylori cause your gastritis. Antacids and other over-the-counter drugs may help with stomach problems, but they don't cure the underlying problem.

According to a study, using probiotic supplements may help cure and prevent H. pylori symptoms. Alcohol, aspirin, and pain medicine should all be avoided by those who have gastritis.

Maintaining a healthy weight and controlling stress are two lifestyle variables that might help reduce gastritis. Small, frequent meals, rather than larger ones, may also assist.

Take Away

The kind, aetiology, and severity of your gastritis will determine how long it lasts if you start therapy. The majority of the time, gastritis improves fast after the medication is started. See your doctor if your gastritis symptoms like unhealthy weight loss are severe or linger for more than a week. It's essential to see a doctor before making any dietary or pharmaceutical adjustments.
