Science Behind Hair Growth

a woman holding her long hair | Science Behind Hair Growth

Science Behind Hair Growth

People are constantly curious and concerned about their health, particularly their skincare and haircare, especially when it comes to hair fall issues. To get healthy skin and hair, they consistently follow skin care and hair growth suggestions. Hair growth and hair loss appear to be a pretty straightforward process on the surface, however, the hair growth cycle contains four distinct phases. The four stages of hair growth have been thoroughly investigated. Phases to hair growth: 

  • Anagen 
  • Catagen 
  • Telogen 
  • Exogen 

Hair growth and hair follicles are described by the three phases of anagen, catagen, and telogen. Exogen is the final stage, which aids in the shedding of old hair to make way for new hair growth. Some people use hair growth oil to prevent hair loss and take vitamins for hair growth; there are also hair growth supplements available on the market. However, they must first understand the phases of the hair growth cycle. Hair growth is influenced by an individual's age, diet, and overall health. Let's have a look at the hair growth cycle: 

Anagen Phase

Anagen is the initial and most active phase of the hair growth cycle, as well as the first and most growing phase. The anagen phase, which lasts roughly three to five years on your head for the hair, is the longest of the three. Hair development may take some time for certain persons. 

How can you naturally boost your hair's anagen phase?

The anagen phase differs according to the kind of hair and the body part. Hair development on the brow takes less time than hair growth on the scalp. The anagen phase affects 90 to 92 per cent of the hair on your head. The hair on our heads is usually in the anagen phase, which means it is falling out due to hair follicles pushing out the hair. New hair grows during this period, as the old hair is shredded away. Every month, or 28 days, our hair grew 1cm. People with a short active anagen phase have moderate hair growth, whereas those with a lengthy active growth phase have rapid hair growth and long length hair. 

Catagen Phase 

The transition phase of hair growth is known as the catagen phase. The catagen phase of hair growth lasts around 10 days and begins after the anagen phase has ended. About 4% to 5% of hair is in the head-on catagen phase, which involves hair separation from the bottom of the hair follicle. Hair continues to develop slowly throughout this stage. The development or production of clubbed hair occurs during this phase. 

Telogen Phase 

The telogen phase of hair development is also known as the resting period. This phase lasts about 90 days, and approximately 10% of hair is in this phase. Hair does not grow or fall out during this era. When the hair from the catagen phase comes out, the telogen phase begins, and fresh hair development begins. The telogen phase is also known as the shedding phase, and it is split into two stages: the telogen phase and the exogen phase. When the hair is removed or pulled out during this phase, a firm hard white material emerges from the hair's root. The hair follicle is in the resting state at this time. 

The Exogenous Phase 

The telogen phase of hair growth is also known as the shedding phase of hair growth. The extension phase of the telogen stage is also known as the exogen phase. Hair falls out at this phase due to washing or brushing. This exogen period lasts three to five months, after which new hair begins to develop in the follicles. 

Keeping your hair healthy throughout these four stages 

The health of our hair is determined by our hair care routine as well as genetic and hormonal variables, which can usually be regulated by living a healthy lifestyle and following a correct hair care regimen. During this hair growth phase, some of the best techniques to maintain healthy hair are: 

  • Healthy hair development requires a balanced diet and adequate nutrition. Protein is abundant in the hair, which helps to keep it healthy. Fish, lean meats, lentils, beans, and other protein-rich foods are examples. 
  • Vitamins D, C, and B12, as well as other nutrients like zinc, iron, and folic acid, are essential for maintaining healthy hair. 
  • Destressing methods such as yoga, meditation, and others are recommended because several hair loss problems such as telogen effluvium, trichotillomania, and alopecia areata are linked to high-stress levels. 
  • Using the right hair products, such as shampoos and conditioners, to provide optimum hair care. Hair development is aided by using a gentle hair cleanser and treating your hair softly. 

Take Away 

Many variables influence hair health and development, including genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences. Anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen are the four phases of hair development. Hair grows at varying rates depending on the stage. A healthy lifestyle also affects hair growth patterns. Proper hair care, in addition to these aspects, is critical and must be incorporated into the hair care routine. One can use biotin for hair regrowth and to have healthy hair. One can also take supplements to increase metabolism.
