How to cure PCOS permanently?

iron rich foods

How to cure PCOS permanently?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is also known as PCOS. It is a hormonal disease that is common among women who are at their reproductive age. Women with this disease have a prolonged menstrual cycle and excess secretion of androgen which is a male hormone. In this situation, the ovaries that develop eggs fail to release an egg regularly.

As the specific cause of PCOS is not known, therefore early diagnosis and PCOS treatment are important to reduce the risk of other health complications like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Everyone may get confused about PCOS and PCOD, as both are hormonal imbalances that are caused in the body. Let's define PCOD vs PCOS.

PCOD is a hormonal imbalance condition, where the two ovaries produce immature or partially matured eggs. These immature or partially immature eggs are released may due to poor lifestyle, stress, hormonal imbalance, and obesity. Whereas, PCOS is also a hormonal imbalance disease or disorder that is related to the endocrine system of the body and is more severe than PCOD which can also result in stopping the release of eggs.

Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS symptoms and signs usually occur at the time of your first menstrual cycle that is during puberty. PCOS always may develop without symptoms lately and the main symptoms can be weight gain.

Diagnosis of PCOS can be made by the following symptoms:

  1. Irregular periods or prolonged menstrual cycle.
  2. Excess androgen levels in the body may cause hirsutism. Androgen is related to male hormones that result in excess facial hair and body hair and may also cause severe acne and baldness.
  3. PCOS may also polycystic ovaries that may fail to function regularly.
  4. Severe acne
  5. Multiple ovarian cysts
  6. Weight gain
  7. Infertility
  8. Hair thinning

How to cure PCOS permanently is the only question that arises in every women's mind if she is dealing with such type of disorder. Some natural remedies and treatments and lifestyle changes are required that may help the symptoms of PCOS. The symptoms of PCOS may vary from one person to other.

Though there is no cure for PCOS, some medications like birth control pills help manage such symptoms. But still, the causes of PCOS are confusing and complicated.

5 Natural remedies for PCOS

Some natural remedies that can treat PCOS are described below:

1. Weight loss

Women suffering from PCOS need to lose those extra kilos that are gained during their symptoms of PCOS and hormonal imbalances. Maintaining a healthy weight is the most critical part of controlling PCOS symptoms. Increased weight gain can also increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other metabolic syndromes. Changing lifestyle and having a healthy diet and involving in physical activities can help in reducing weight and reducing the risk of other health complications.

2. Exercise

Exercise and physical activity may help lose weight gain. And it is the most essential factor for weight loss. Exercise can also lower blood sugar levels, and it is also beneficial to the heart and improves mood by regulating sleep. 

3. Iron intake

Most women experience heavy bleeding during their menstruation that may later result in iron deficiency and anaemia. So always up to your iron intake only with the consultation of your doctor as its high iron content also may cause risk to the body. Some iron-rich foods are spinach, eggs, broccoli, etc.

4. Cut out coffee

According to the National Institute of Health and Science, consumption of caffeine is linked to changes in estrogen levels and hormonal changes. Therefore try replacing caffeine drinks with herbal tea like green tea that boosts in improving insulin resistance and helps in reducing weight gained by PCOS.

5. Reduce stress

Stress is linked to many disorders even PCOS. Hence, cortisol is regulated by reducing stress levels. Taking enough sleep, doing yoga, and cutting caffeine and alcohol may contribute to lower stress levels. Also changing some lifestyle changes and self-care also reduces high levels of stress.

Always seek a helping hand from a doctor whenever you have symptoms related to PCOS and take a proper treatment plan. Though natural remedies and exercise help treat PCOS but still open up yourself to a doctor for a better future.

PCOS treatment diet

As PCOS is a hormonal imbalance disease it is linked with consuming healthy food and a healthy diet that may manage the PCOS-related symptoms. People having PCOS have high levels of insulin in their body that is used to lower the high blood sugar level. And eating processed foods leads to insulin resistance.

Foods rich in simple carbohydrates and sugar should be eliminated from the diet that stabilizes blood sugar levels and keeps low insulin levels. And so avoid foods like white bread, white pasta, white rice, cereal, cookies, chips, soda, and juices.

Foods containing complex carbohydrates contain fibre and nutrients and do not raise blood sugar levels, the foods are whole grains, whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

6 PCOS foods to avoid

There are certain foods that you need to avoid during PCOS, such as

  1. White bread
  2. Pastries
  3. Carbonated drinks
  4. Processed foods & meta
  5. Steak, pork and hamburgers
  6. Hot dogs and sausages.

Take Away

PCOS is an endocrine hormonal disease that is related to a woman's menstrual cycle that causes trouble in a woman's pregnancy. So lifestyle changes, exercise, and a healthy diet are the first and foremost treatments for PCOS. Birth control pills and other medications can help control PCOS but taking proper advice from a doctor is a must. 


Can PCOS go away naturally?

There is no cure for PCOS to go away naturally. Even after menopause, some women tend to continue with PCOS.

Which drink is good for PCOS?

Turmeric milk, black tea, and apple cider vinegar juice are good to drink when you suffer from PCOS,

Can diet alone cure PCOS?

Diet plays a key role in PCOS, but diet alone doesn’t cure PCOS, your lifestyle, genetics, physical activity, stress and other factors are also involved.


Systematic review and meta-analysis of PCOS. By National Library of Medicine, Feb 12, 2019.

What to eat if you have PCOS? By Medical News Today, Jan 11, 2020.
