Myth and facts about pimple breakouts

Myth and facts about pimple breakouts | pimple myths | myth or fact | pimples

Touching Pimples Can Lead to More Breakouts: Myth or Fact?

Do you recall how you dealt with your most recent acne breakout or blemishes? There are dozens of medicines on the market, as well as an increasing number of home cures, that claim to make pimples disappear quickly. Many of these items and practices are, in fact, erroneous. Acne affects 40 to 50 million Americans, but there is still a lot of misinformation regarding the problem. Many people still believe a number of misconceptions and myths about acne and treatment to be accurate. 

Myth: Acne affects only teenagers

Acne affects about 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women in the United States. Hormone fluctuations (which might be linked to menopause, pregnancy, menstruation, or stress), medication, or face and hair products are all possible causes. Adult acne, like any other type of acne, can be treated with a good skin care programme that includes daily sun protection and the assistance of a dermatologist. For acne treatment, one can use anti-acne gel.

Myth: Acne is only due to heredity

Fact: While genetics play a role in how acne develops, you can limit your breakouts by making lifestyle adjustments. Acne-causing bacteria increased oil production within the skin, and hormonal abnormalities can all be avoided by staying hydrated, eating a well-balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding germ-infested surfaces. Newer research has also connected blood sugar surges to some acne outbreaks, suggesting that lower carbohydrate diets may be more effective in reducing flare-ups. 

Myth: While tanning can help cure or prevent acne, sunscreen closes pores

Fact: Quite the opposite is true. Excessive tanning of any kind is bad for the skin, but it's especially bad for acne. Exposure to UV radiation dries out the skin, which might lead to outbreaks in the future. On the other hand, many sunscreens (sunscreens that reflect UV rays) contain zinc oxide, which kills acne-causing bacteria. Some sunscreens, on the other hand, can exacerbate acne, so doing your homework to locate the finest products for your skin is essential. The best sunscreens are those that are "oil-free" or "non-comedogenic." Because everyone's skin is different, you may need to try a few different products before finding the one that's suitable for you. SPF, cosmetics, and acne medications are all available from some brands. 

Myth: Dirt or grease that hasn't been adequately cleaned off causes acne

Fact: Acne begins deep inside the skin and takes time to develop; blackheads and whiteheads develop when oil glands in the skin generate too much oil and/or become clogged within the pore (called clogged pores), allowing acne-causing bacteria and dead skin cells to enter. When keratin protein (from dead skin cells) builds up in pores and is exposed to air, it turns black, forming a blackhead, whereas buildup within the pore that is not exposed forms a whitehead. 

Myth: The best technique to fight acne is to wash your face numerous times a day using skin products

Fact: Washing your face too frequently will deplete your skin's natural oils, prompting it to produce more and perhaps leading to additional breakouts. The same may be true with harsh scrubs, exfoliating treatments, and alcohol-based toners. Wash your face gently no more than twice a day to avoid dryness and irritation. A dermatologist can help you figure out which skin products and treatments are right for you. 

Myth: Popping pimples make acne go away faster

Fact: Popping a pimple before it's fully developed risks pushing the bacteria deeper into your skin and spreading it to other parts of your face that aren't impacted. Popping your pimples can cause lifelong skin damage and scarring in addition to spreading the infection. It's better to wait for the pimple to cure, which usually takes a week or two. Pimple popping can exacerbate discolouration in darker skin, which can take months to cure without medicine. 

Myth: Acne can be cured

Fact: Acne does not have an established cure, unfortunately. Acne is a persistent skin condition that can continue anywhere from a few years in your teens to more than 20 years in adulthood. It's a condition, which means it's an ongoing state that exists on and beneath the surface of your skin. Acne may appear and disappear at different points during your life, but if you have acne, you should stick to a consistent skincare routine. 

But don't worry, the news isn't all awful! Acne can be controlled by washing, exfoliating, and moisturising on a daily basis. Keep in mind that finding the ideal mix of medicines and skin care products may take some time. Also, because our bodies and skin change over time as a result of a variety of circumstances (hormones, lifestyles, habits, settings, and so on), what worked as a teenager may not work as well in your 30s. 

It all comes down to choosing the correct skin care products and combining them in the proper way. Gentle skin care and potent acne-fighting treatment are included in our multi-step skincare regimens. Our solutions target acne at every stage of the cycle, assisting in the halting of present outbreaks and the prevention of new ones. 

Myth: All exfoliators are the same 

Fact: This is a complete myth! A physical exfoliant, often known as a scrub, removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin using mechanical devices such as beads. Chemical exfoliators, such as alpha-hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid, assist the skin to shed dead skin cells.

Take Away

There are a lot of myths and facts about acne and its treatment, and some of them include acne affects only teenagers, acne is only due to heredity, acne can be cured, all exfoliators are the same, and so on.
