Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hair: Effective or Not

Is Low-Level Hair Therapy Effective?
What is Laser Hair Therapy, and how does it work?
Is laser hair loss therapy effective?
What are the advantages of laser hair loss treatment?
Low-level laser therapy hair side effects
Why Do People Go For Laser Hair Treatment? Can LLLT make hair worse?
Does Laser Hair Therapy Work as a Way to Strengthen Hair?
Take Away
Most individuals shed roughly 100 hairs every day from their scalp. While the majority of people's hair comes back, some don't because of:
- age
- heredity
- hormonal shifts
- lupus and diabetes are two examples of medical disorders.
- malnutrition
- a medical treatment's side effects, such as chemotherapy
- Pressure and tension
Treatments to prevent and perhaps cure hair loss include:
- Min-oxidil and fin tabs are two examples of such medicines.
- surgery to transplant hair
- laser treatment
What is Laser Hair Therapy, and how does it work?
Low-level laser hair therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and scientifically validated procedure to stimulate hair follicles to develop fuller, thicker hair. The strong clinical-strength laser devices, also known as red light therapy, cure hair loss, male pattern baldness, and alopecia in both men and women. Hair laser treatment is commonly recognised as a less intrusive and safer alternative to hair transplants.
Low-level laser therapy
Low-level laser light is used to irradiate photons into human tissue, enabling them to be absorbed by weaker cells, and helping them to regain their vigour. After then, the cells are given the chance to restore functioning and resume their normal functions, such as hair growth. The laser therapy boosts blood flow to the scalp, which is further aided with Mino-xidil, the only scientifically proven treatment for hair loss, to encourage new growth and the preservation of existing hair.
Is laser hair loss therapy effective?
What does it accomplish?
Photons are irradiated into scalp tissues during low-level laser treatment, commonly known as red light therapy or cold laser therapy. Weak cells absorb these photons, which promote hair regrowth.
The method is typically regarded as being safer, more acceptable, and less intrusive than hair transplant surgery.
The hypothesis
The assumption behind laser hair loss therapy is that low-dose laser treatments stimulate circulation and urge hair follicles to develop hair.
The outcomes
Because the effects of laser treatment are so variable, the medical world has come to the opinion that it works for some individuals but not for others. Although further study is required, certain studies have revealed promising results:
Low-level laser treatment appears to be safe and helpful for hair growth in both men and women, according to a 2014 study.
Over 16 weeks, laser hair treatment resulted in a 39 per cent increase in hair growth in 41 males aged 18 to 48.
What are the advantages of laser hair loss treatment?
Advocates claim a variety of reasons to promote involvement in the process, including:
- It is non-intrusive.
- It's completely painless.
- There are no negative consequences.
- It strengthens the hair.
Low-level laser therapy hair side effects
Some individuals are not as enthusiastic about the process for a variety of reasons, including:
- It takes a long time. Treatment sometimes takes many sessions each week for several months to notice improvements. Even though the number of sessions may decrease with time, most doctors recommend that you continue therapy for the rest of your life.
- It was not cheap. Clinical laser hair loss treatments may run into thousands of dollars each year.
- People who are in the later phases of hair loss tend to have less success with the process than those who are in the early stages.
- Certain medicines may interact with it. Patients who are using photosensitizing medicines should avoid laser treatment.
- Long-term safety and efficacy have yet to be determined. The FDA classifies laser devices as medical equipment, so they aren't subjected to the same amount of scrutiny and testing as pharmaceuticals before being approved. Long-term efficacy and safety have not yet been demonstrated.
Why Do People Go For Laser Hair Treatment? Can LLLT make hair worse?
Daily, most individuals shed 100 hairs from their scalp, yet the majority of them come back. However, a lack of hair regeneration may be caused by a variety of causes and scenarios, including:
- Medical disorders related to age
- Medical treatment side effects
- Tension as a result of poor diet
While there are a variety of therapies available to increase hair growth, including drugs and hair transplants, laser hair therapy is a popular choice among many. It also includes:
- Noninvasive
- Painless
- A therapy that has no negative side effects
Does Laser Hair Therapy Work as a Way to Strengthen Hair?
The success of Laser Hair Therapy, like any other therapy, is based on the person. The practice of irradiating photons into scalp tissues to promote hair growth is often regarded as a safe, less intrusive, and less painful alternative to hair transplantation. Low-level laser treatment appears to be safe and effective in encouraging hair growth in both men and women.
As with any hair loss therapy, outcomes may vary from client to client, with some seeing rapid hair growth and others needing to wait longer. In certain situations, customers may have to wait up to 26 weeks for results after having therapy.
The key to making laser hair treatments work is consistency. Your hair will have a higher chance of growing if you keep up with your sessions. The sooner you begin your therapy, the better, since fully lost hair is more difficult to regrow.
It's vital to keep in mind that the therapy may or may not work for everyone. The therapy may yield more spectacular outcomes for patients with inherited problems like Androgenetic Alopecia. Laser Hair Therapy, on the other hand, is unlikely to assist persons with little or no hair owing to its dependency on particular cells.
Take Away
Laser therapy could be an option if you wish to halt and perhaps reverse hair loss. When deciding whether or not a therapy is suitable for you, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to consider. Your doctor can assist you in making an informed choice. Rapid hair loss might be a sign of a more serious underlying problem that needs to be treated.