How to Stop Scalp Sweating?

a woman with sweaty scalp is watching her hair | How to Stop Scalp Sweating

Sweating excessively 

Everyone perspires. It's a basic biological activity that aids with temperature regulation. Sweat is most typically seen on the face, head, underarms, hands, feet, and groyne.

Craniofacial hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes you to sweat excessively from your head and face. Hyperhidrosis is the condition of sweating excessively in order to maintain a normal body temperature. It may vary from wetness to pouring in intensity.

You may have this condition if your face and head sweat profusely on a regular basis, even when you are not hot, agitated, exercising, or eating spicy food.

Sweating on your head and face may be annoying and make you feel uncomfortable in social circumstances. The good news is that there are many therapy choices available.

Different types of hyperhidrosis

Primary and secondary hyperhidrosis are the two types of hyperhidrosis. The most frequent kind of hyperhidrosis is primary hyperhidrosis. It suggests the sweating isn't due to a medical condition, physical exercise, or a rise in temperature. The hands, feet, head, and face are usually affected. It may also happen in other sections of the body.

Secondary hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating caused by a medical condition or medicine, such as:

  • cancer 
  • diabetes 
  • menopause 
  • stroke 
  • heart disease
  • spinal cord damage
  • antidepressant medication

Why does it have an impact on the face?

While hyperhidrosis may affect any area of the body, the face and scalp have a great number of sweat glands. If you have a tendency to sweat excessively, it may be more evident in certain places.

According to one research, 30 to 50 per cent of persons who suffer from this form of sweating have a family history of it.

Make an appointment with your doctor if your face is constantly pouring with perspiration. They can help you figure out whether your sweating is caused by a medical issue that might be dangerous.

If your doctor finds that your sweating is not caused by another medical problem, he or she may assist you in determining the best treatment choice for you.


While the heavy face and head sweating might happen in uncommon circumstances, such as when it's chilly outside or when you're not exercising, there are a variety of variables that can cause it. Among the triggers are:

  • humidity
  • Anxiety or tension caused by the heat
  • eating hot meals
  • strong emotions like rage or terror
  • even a little amount of activity

Options for treatment

While excessive sweating may be aggravating, there are a variety of therapeutic methods available that can assist. Among the possibilities are:

  • Aluminium chloride antiperspirants are sold over the counter.
  • Aluminium chloride hexahydrate antiperspirants on prescription. The delicate skin of the face and head may be irritated by these powerful antiperspirants. Your doctor should be able to assist you in developing a sweat-control and skin-care programme.
  • Botox injections may be used to reduce nerve activity that affects sweat glands. The injections may take many sessions to start working, but they may assist alleviate symptoms for up to a year.
  • Anticholinergics are oral drugs that reduce perspiration throughout the body. Constipation, urine retention, dizziness, and dry mouth are all possible adverse effects.
  • Certain antidepressant drugs may help to decrease perspiration and anxiety that causes sweating. You should be aware that certain antidepressants might actually make you sweat more.
  • Beta-blockers and benzodiazepines are oral drugs that may reduce anxiety symptoms like sweating.

Additional treatment options

There are a few alternative treatment options for the face that aren't often utilised but are nonetheless worth discussing with your doctor. Among them are:

  • Iontophoresis is a method in which a low-level electrical current is sent through your body while immersed in water. This is especially useful for sweating in the hands, feet, and armpits.
  • Another treatment option for hyperhidrosis is surgery to remove sweat glands, however, this is usually reserved for severe sweating in the armpits.
  • Sympathectomy is a treatment in which portions of the nerves that activate sweat glands are severed, reducing sweat production signals.

Daily life tips

You may attempt a variety of things to assist decrease excessive head and face perspiration in addition to drugs and treatments. Here are some home remedies to stop scalp sweating:

  • washing often to remove germs with good shampoo like sweaty scalp shampoo.
  • moisture from the skin
  • avoiding spicy meals and coffee, all of which may increase perspiration 
  • wearing breathable, moisture-wicking textiles avoiding hot weather or clothing too warmly
  • keeping hydrated 
  • tiny portable or clip-on fan to keep your face cool and dry 
  • eating smaller, more frequent meals to assist control digestion
  • avoid exercising just before work or other social engagements
  • Applying apple cider vinegar containing products and massaging the scalp help to get relief from hair loss.

Take Away

Craniofacial hyperhidrosis is a disorder in which the head, face, and scalp sweat excessively. Sweating produces more than the body need for temperature control, which may be unpleasant.

A variety of successful therapy approaches are available. If heavy perspiration from your face and head makes you feel uncomfortable or upset, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist about the source and the best treatment options for you. Maintaining a proper hair care routine is also very important like oiling, shampooing and conditioning the hair to prevent hair loss.
