How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Mouth?

Dry Skin Around Mouth
Dry skin around the mouth can affect numerous issues, including perioral dermatitis, dehydration, disinclinations, and irritation from the usage of certain products. Home remedies can help.
Moisturizing with lotions or oils can frequently help relieve dry skin around the mouth. It's also a good idea to avoid implicit irritants, such as steroid creams or inhalers and fluoride toothpaste.
Still, a person can continually find relief by treating the underlying cause, If dry skin is persistent.
Causes of dry skin around the mouth
A doctor can diagnose the reason for dry skin around the mouth.
However, they should see a health care professional, If a person is doubtful about the cause of their dry skin. Determining the reason is very important when deciding on a treatment.
The skin around the mouth can dry out for numerous reasons, such as:
- allergies or irritation
- cold or windy weather
- overexposure to the sun
- excessive face washing
- Dehydration
- perioral dermatitis
- other medical conditions, such as rosacea or psoriasis
However, there may be no identifiable cause.
Some common causes of dry skin around the mouth are:
Perioral dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis is a condition of the skin that forms a rash around the mouth and can also spread to the skin around the nose and eyes.
Symptoms of perioral dermatitis include:
- a red, scaly, or bumpy rash
- redness and inflammation around the mouth
- mild itching or burning
Perioral dermatitis symptoms may come and go over months or years.
In addition, some people get perioral dermatitis because they apply heavy face creams or moisturizers, or fluorinated toothpaste.
The rash may get worse before it gets better after a person stops using steroid cream. Wash with a gentle cleanser or soap substitute to avoid more irritation.
A lack of oil
The skin produces oil to stay hydrated. Sometimes, it produces too much oil, resulting in acne or pimples, or sometimes it may not produce enough oil, resulting in dry skin. Dehydrated skin lacks sufficient moistness and appears rough or flaky.
Overwashing the face can result in an imbalance in the facial oils, leading to dry skin.
Allergies or irritation
The skin around the mouth may also turn dry due to exposure to harsh chemicals, such as those in:
- soaps
- makeup products
- dental products
Avoid products that contain these chemicals — and alcohol, in particular — and opt for natural products with lesser components.
Cold weather
Cooler temperatures and low moisture in the air can leave the skin dry or chapped. The skin around the mouth and on the hands is particularly at risk.
Skin conditions
Certain skin conditions can damage the skin barrier, leading to dryness and rashes. Some of these effects include atopic dermatitis, other forms of eczema, and psoriasis.
Dry Skin Around the Mouth Treatment
The best treatment completely depends on a person’s habits and the cause of dry skin.
Gently cleanse the area daily
Using a gentle facial cleanser can help prevent dry skin.
Washing the skin too harshly and with very hot or cold water could result in dry skin.
Try using cleansers or soaps that are free from:
- alcohols
- fragrances
- plastics
- artificial colours
- other drying chemicals
Exfoliate dry skin
The body’s skin undergoes a natural cycle. New cells show, allowing old cells to die. Generally, this process takes about 1 month to finish.
However, when dead cells get stuck to the surface of the skin, it causes clogged pores and dry patches. Exfoliation helps prevent this. By removing the dead skin cells, exfoliation can enhance the skin’s health and texture.
A person should clean the face every day and carefully exfoliate once or twice a week. Exfoliating every day can irritate or damage the skin.
Moisturize the area daily
Different types of skin need the aid of a moisturizer to retain water. Moisturizing dry skin overnight using a dry skin cream, immediately after a wash, or after exfoliating can help keep in further moisture for longer periods of time.
When using a moisturizer around the mouth, be sure that none of the constituents would be dangerous if they were accidentally ingested. Avoid all allergens.
Different types of dry skin on the face may need distinct moisturizers. Trial and error can be the best approach but always look for products made for sensitive facial skin.
Seek out moisturizers that contain beneficial constituents, such as:
- hyaluronic acid
- ceramides
- colloidal oatmeal
The following on their own or as ingredients can be beneficial:
- pure aloe vera gel
- coconut oil
- sunflower seed oil
- shea butter
Change up your habits
Dry skin around the mouth can be a result of routine activities. Smoking can be one of the causes, and quitting could help clear up the issue.
Try using any facial product with more natural ingredients.
A person’s shower habits may also be an issue. Standing for too long under a shower or washing your face with steaming hot water can strip the skin’s natural oils that keep it moist.
Showers and baths should last only 5–10 minutes for healthy skin.
Using humidifiers in winter and limiting air conditioning
Chronic dry facial skin is frequently the effect of exposure to dry air. Winter weather and nonstop air conditioning and heating withdraw a lot of moisture from the air, which can dry out the skin.
However, a person may consider using a humidifier in the winter and limiting their usage of air conditioning or central heating, if dry skin around the mouth is a major recurring issue.
Take Away
Dry skin around the mouth can be due to many factors, including a person’s habits, the indoor or outdoor temperature, an imbalance of oils, etc.
People can often treat dry skin using home remedies like using a face pack for dry skin and by making changes to their daily routine. Anyone with chronic dryness may benefit from a professional diagnosis and treatment.