Gharelu Nuskhe: Homemade DIY Exfoliating Face Scrubs

Homemade DIY Exfoliating Face Scrubs
What are the advantages of using a face scrub?
Are there any ingredients you should avoid?
What components are effective?
Recipes for homemade face scrubs
How frequently should you clean your face?
Take Away
Exfoliation aids in the removal of dead skin cells from the skin's surface. Exfoliation on a regular basis may also help avoid blocked pores and boost collagen formation. As a consequence, Skin that is firmer, smoother, more luminous, and less prone to breakouts.
A DIY face scrub may be an alternative if you like to know what you put on your skin. Another advantage is that they're fast and simple to prepare, and you're likely to have all of the ingredients on hand.
What are the advantages of using a face scrub?
Exfoliating your skin with a face scrub, when done properly, may provide the following benefits:
- Skin that's smoother - Exfoliators aid in the removal of dead skin cells that have not yet been entirely removed by your body. This may help you get a more even, smoother, and brighter complexion.
- Circulation has improved - Stimulating the surface of your skin may assist increase blood flow, which can make your skin seem healthier.
- Pores are unclogged - Exfoliating your face may help remove dead skin cells and oils that clog your pores and cause outbreaks.
- Absorption is improved - Your skin will absorb other products more efficiently if you remove a buildup of dead skin cells and other debris.
Are there any ingredients you should avoid?
Face scrubs should have finer particles than body scrubs since the skin on your face is more sensitive and fragile than the skin on your body.
Sugar scrubs, for example, which are common body exfoliators, are too abrasive for your face. Sea salt, nutshells, and coffee grinds are all in this category. These particles are usually too coarse for use on the face.
Using harsh substances on your skin might result in red, inflamed skin. Coarse particles may scratch or damage the skin in rare situations.
What components are effective?
Use a gentle exfoliant with smaller, finer particles to avoid skin irritation or itching. Some possibilities include:
- tiny amounts of very finely ground organic oatmeal
- cinnamon
- ground rice
- baking soda
All of them are physical exfoliants. That implies you'll have to scrape or massage these substances into your skin for them to function.
Chemical exfoliant components that you may use in a homemade face scrub include:
- Milk and yoghurt contain lactic acid
- apples include malic acid
- pineapple contains malic acid and citric acid
- mangoes contain citric acid
Recipes for homemade face scrubs
- Scrub with oatmeal and yoghurt
Oats aren't only good for breakfast; they're also good for your complexion. Oats may really be included in a variety of skincare treatments.
Oatmeal includes chemicals known as phenols, which have antioxidant properties, according to a study. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it controls skin irritation.
Yoghurt, which contains natural lactic acid, may aid exfoliation, while jojoba oil moisturises without blocking pores. Combination skin will benefit from this scrub.
- 2 tbsp. rolled oats, finely ground
- 1 tablespoon plain organic Greek yoghurt
- 1 tbsp. coconut or jojoba oil
- Grind the oats into a fine powder in a coffee grinder or food processor.
- Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
- Apply in gentle circles to cleansed skin for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Rinse your skin to remove the scrub with lukewarm water
- Any leftover mixture should be placed in an airtight container and kept in the refrigerator.
- Honey and oats scrub
Honey is a fantastic complement to a facial scrub because of its ability to balance bacteria on the face. As a result, it works as acne therapy. Honey is a natural exfoliant and moisturiser.
- 1/4 cup uncooked, finely ground plain oats
- 1/8 cup honey (raw)
- jojoba oil, 1/8 cup
- Grind oats in a grinder
- Warm the honey in the microwave for a few seconds to make mixing easier.
- combine all of the ingredients.
- Apply for 60 seconds in gentle circles on the skin.
- Using lukewarm water, rinse the scrub.
- Place the remaining scrub in an airtight jar and keep it in the refrigerator.
- Brown sugar face scrub
Brown sugar and honey: People with dry skin will benefit greatly from this combination.
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar powder
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
- Combine these three ingredients and thoroughly apply them to your face.
- Allow it to rest for 10 minutes after gently massaging it.
- Later, rinse the scrub with warm water.
- Oatmeal banana scrub
If you prefer not to use oils on your face, consider this scrub, which has a banana base instead.
Bananas contain potassium, vitamin C, and traces of vitamin A. They also include silica, a mineral ingredient related to silicone that might help your skin produce more collagen. This scrub is ideal for oily skin types.
- 1 banana, ripe
- 2 tbsp. oatmeal, finely ground
- 1 tablespoon plain organic Greek yoghurt
- Mash the banana with a fork until it's smooth but not runny.
- Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
- Apply for 30 to 60 seconds in circular movements on the skin.
- Rinse the scrub well.
- Any remaining mixture should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
How frequently should you clean your face?
While there are numerous advantages to exfoliating your face, you don't want to overdo it. Exfoliating up to three times a week is usually safe if you have oily skin. Once or twice a week is adequate if you have sensitive, acne-prone, or dry skin.
Take Away
Facial scrubs are an effective approach to removing dead skin cells from your skin's surface. Exfoliating your skin may also help to avoid blocked pores, improve circulation, and increase collagen formation. Washing your face wash is also important like exfoliation.
Homemade facial scrubs are simple to create and don't need many ingredients. However, only products that are suitable for face exfoliating should be used. Sugar, sea salt, and nutshells are examples of exfoliants that are too coarse for the skin on your face. Whether you're not sure if a substance is right for your skin, consult your dermatologist first.