Fruit & Vegetable Juices for High BP

Fruit & Vegetable Juices for High BP | monitoring bp | high bp juices

Can Fruit Juices & Vegetable Juices Help with High BP

Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to consequences such as heart disease and stroke. Your food is one of the first lines of defence against high blood pressure (hypertension). Adopting a blood pressure-friendly diet will help you maintain a healthy blood pressure level without the negative side effects that drugs might produce. 

High blood pressure symptoms

Because persons with high blood pressure often have no symptoms, hypertension is known as the silent killer. During a normal physical check at their doctor's office, many people discover they have hypertension. 

Symptoms of hypertension usually appear only after the condition has progressed to the point where it is dangerous. They may include the following: 

  • nosebleeds 
  • Headaches
  • Short breathlessness

Beneficial drinks

Some types of liquids, in addition to certain foods that may help lower your blood pressure, may also be beneficial. 

Tomato juice

According to a report published in 2019, Japanese researchers looked into the impact of consuming one cup of tomato juice each day on subjects with heart disease risk factors. 

Make sure to select unsalted tomato juice to avoid extra sodium, which might have the opposite effect on blood pressure. 

Beetroot juices

These colourful, low-calorie veggies not only include a variety of health-promoting vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, but they may also aid in normal blood pressure. 

The juice of both raw and cooked beets was demonstrated to lower blood pressure in a randomised pilot study. Raw beet juice, on the other hand, had a stronger effect on blood pressure. 

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates have higher levels of minerals such as vitamin C and folate, but they also possess anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it should come as no surprise that pomegranate juice can help you eat a heart-healthy diet. 

Berry juice

Berries, particularly blueberries, have antioxidant qualities similar to pomegranates. They also have a lot of benefits to the heart.

Skimmed milk

Dietary Strategies to Stop Hypertension, a science-based collection of recommendations for preventing and treating high blood pressure, includes low-fat dairy products such as skim milk and yoghurt. Two to three servings of low-fat milk products per day are recommended. You can drink it straight or mix it into cereal or a smoothie. 


Not all teas are made equal when it comes to blood pressure. The effects of black and green tea consumption on blood pressure were examined in a 2014 literature review of randomised controlled trials. 

Long-term consumption of both varieties of tea dropped both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, according to the study. Green tea, on the other hand, showed a greater fall in blood pressure. 

Spinach juice

Spinach juice is a tasty way to get the most out of spinach's health benefits. Potassium is abundant in this green vegetable. Potassium helps to reduce the tension in your blood vessels and arteries, which improves blood flow circulation and lowers high blood pressure. It also contains a lot of lutein. Lutein reduces the risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure by preventing the hardening of artery walls. 

Citrus Juice 

This delightful juice, produced with vitamin C-rich orange, provides potassium, folate, and natural citrus bioflavonoids, all of which assist to lower blood pressure, boosting metabolism, and promoting good heart health. 

Drinks to avoid

Coffee-free beverages 

The influence of coffee on blood pressure has been a matter of debate in the scientific community for a long time. Caffeine appears to cause a short-term increase in blood pressure. However, in habitual coffee drinkers, this effect may be less pronounced. 


Alcohol, like coffee, has a complex effect on blood pressure. Moderate alcohol use, defined as one drink per woman per day and two drinks per man per day, was long thought to lower blood pressure. Furthermore, blood pressure medicines and alcohol are incompatible. 

When it comes to alcohol use, the advice is likely to differ from person to person. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor about what level of alcohol consumption is deemed safe for you. 

When should you see a doctor? 

A blood pressure reading is usually done as part of a routine doctor's appointment. In this context, many people discover they have hypertension. If you have hypertension, your doctor will work with you to build an individualised treatment strategy. 

Blood pressure monitors of various varieties are also available for purchase so that you can take your blood pressure at home. Bring your monitor to your next doctor's appointment if you decide to do this so they can show you how to use it properly to get reliable results. 

A single reading of elevated blood pressure taken at home should not be cause for alarm. Make a note of the reading and continue checking your blood pressure on a regular basis. Make an appointment with your doctor if your results continue to be elevated. 

Take away

You can lower your diastolic blood pressure with a variety of methods, including lifestyle modifications and drugs. It's vital to realise that lowering your diastolic blood pressure isn't enough. You'll need to lower your overall blood pressure. If you have high diastolic blood pressure, you should speak with your doctor and collaborate with them to develop a treatment plan that is ideal for you.
