Dermaplaning- Everything You Need to Know

a woman getting dermaplaning treartment | Dermaplaning- Everything You Need to Know

What Is Dermaplaning Treatment?

Dermaplaning is more than just shaving the face to remove the facial hairs. This exfoliating treatment scrapes the top layer of the skin with a Dermaplaning tool or scalpel. It enhances your skin texture, brightens the face, and makes it smooth. This also helps the skin care products penetrate into the skin better and improve their efficacy. 

Dermaplaning is a treatment in which the aesthetician uses a small scalpel to remove the dead skin cells along with the facial hair from your face. This makes your skin very smooth, enhances the skin texture, and brightens the face. You can see the brightening effect it has on your skin right after the procedure. It takes hardly 15 minutes to complete the procedure.

What To Expect During The Dermaplaning Procedure?

Let's look at a step-by-step guide to what goes on during the procedure.

Preparing Your Skin For The Treatment

Before starting the treatment, the dermatologist will clean your skin thoroughly and now they either use local anaesthesia or apply lidocaine to your face which works for around 30 minutes. This is to make you feel relaxed during the procedure.

The Procedure

The dermatologist uses a scalpel for shaving your skin after which he/she will gently smooth the topmost layer of your skin. You also have the option to customize the procedure. If you want you can go it on the entire face or a specific area. It takes approx 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your requirements. Some people undergo Dermaplaning in various stages. This totally depends on your skin condition and treatment needs.

If you want, you may also try Dermaplaning at home with the Dermaplaning kits which are available online. However, if you ask a doctor whether you should try it at home or not, they would suggest you be very careful. You might get the same results. However, if you still want to try it at home, get the kit and follow these steps.

Dermaplaning At Home: How To Do It?

  • Buy some good-quality disposable razors. You can even buy the blades or the entire kit online.
  • Ensure that the blades are very clean and sharp before you start using them.
  • Clean your face properly with a good gentle cleanser and let it dry completely.
  • Apply a bit of oil to your face.
  • Stretch your skin tightly with one hand and hold it. Now, dip the blade in warm water and put the blade at an angle of 45 degrees to your skin.
  • Make short strokes, starting from your hairline towards the centre of the face using downward strokes. Avoid the hairline.
  • The strokes should be feather-light and towards the hair growth with very light pressure.
  • Once done, repeat this process, but this time, move the blades in the opposite direction of your hair growth.
  • Don't forget to clean the blade in between.
  • Once done, splash some cold water on your face.
  • Apply a light, hydrating moisturizer or a face mask. After which finish with your favourite serum.

Dermaplaning: Aftercare

After Dermaplaning, your skin will be slightly sensitive. You can follow this complete skin care plan that you can start 24 hours after the treatment:

  • Use only a gentle cleanser to clean your face.
  • Use moisturizer twice a day. Do it religiously for at least 7 days after the Dermaplaning treatment.
  • Your skin will be quite sensitive as your natural skin barrier is compromised. So, limit your sun exposure or apply sunscreen whenever you are going outside. 
  • Avoid any activity that makes you sweat a lot for 3 days, such as steam rooms and heavy workouts.
  • Avoid contact with chlorine.
  • Avoid any other facial treatment for at least a week.
  • Avoid scratching your skin.
  • Apply skin serums, like those with hyaluronic acid, after this procedure.
  • The skin might tingle for a few days but this will subside eventually.

If you are wondering whether it is worth your time or not, then take a look at a few benefits of Dermaplaning.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

  1. It Exfoliates Your Skin

It helps to remove dead skin cells from your face better than chemical peels. It is non-abrasive, which is why it is an excellent alternative for people with sensitive skin. It makes your skin silky smooth and flawless.

  1. It Removes Facial Hair

If done under the guidance of a dermatologist or a professional aesthetician, you will get good results in terms of hair removal. It is because the blade used by the professional is special and much sharper than the store-purchased ones.

  1. Skin Look Fresher And Younger

Though there is no claim that it has anti-ageing effects, it can make your face appear brighter by removing the top dead layer of skin.

  1. It Has No Downtime

After the Dermaplaning treatment, your face will not turn red, and you don’t have to stay inside the house all the time. But you do need to follow a proper skin maintenance process after Dermaplaning treatment.

  1. Smooth Makeup application 

Your skin becomes so smooth that makeup slides like butter on it.

Thinking of trying this procedure? Wait a bit. Go through some of these points before trying Dermaplaning treatment.

Things You Should Know Before Trying Dermaplaning

  • Dermaplaning is usually suitable for all skin types. But, if you have acne or inflamed pimples, then this method is not suitable for you.
  • Dermaplaning will not make your hair grow thicker. It’s a misconception. Even when your fine hair grows back, you are not going to feel any difference as it is cut straight across. The texture of the new hair will be the same as the older one.
  • Take sun protection seriously.
  • The result will last a month.
  • Stay away from any other skin treatment or skin procedure to get the best results.

Take Away

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment in which a dermatologist uses a scalpel to exfoliate dead skin and removes the top barrier of your skin. A few sessions of Dermaplaning enhance the texture of your skin, removes facial hair, and let you apply makeup smoothly. What’s more, Dermaplaning is safe a method and suitable for all skin types. While you can try Dermaplaning at home, it is safer to do it at the hands of a dermatologist to avoid hurting yourself. Remember after treatment you should avoid chlorine, and sunlight, and apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
