Are Fruit Juices Good for Weight Loss

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Thinking of Weight Loss? Try Fruit Juices to Burn out Fats

Juices can be a quick and convenient way to get some extra nutrients into your diet and boost weight loss.

However, some kinds of juice are very high in sugar and low in fibre, which can ramp up your calorie intake and even cause weight gain over the passing time.

This is specifically true with certain store-bought juices, which are often loaded with sugar, artificial flavours, and preservatives.

Fortunately, there are lots of healthy and delicious juices that you can easily make at home using just a few ingredients and a juicer.

Alternatively, you can also use a blender as this method retains a higher amount of fibre, which can help promote a feeling of fullness and manage your hunger.

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What is juicing?

Well, juicing is simply the process of removing liquid from fruit and vegetables and separating it from the fibre. Most of the nutrients in making remain in the juice.

It’s not good to think that five days of drinking juice will do a better job at detoxifying your body than the evolutionary mechanisms that have been developed over thousands of years.

Juicing can, however, help with weight loss if the body burns more calories than that present in the juice ingested.

Is juice good for weight loss? 

Well in short, no. But that won't mean it’s not effective—at least initially.

Due to the restrictive nature of a juice cleanse, you’ll probably consume fewer calories than your body needs. Anything you will do to eat fewer calories than you burn may help you lose weight fast.

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Juicing also starves your body of fat and protein and decreases your carbohydrate intake, which causes the loss of the sugar you typically store in your muscles. As those sugars typically bind with water, this can result in a significant drop in the scale.

The thing is, it’s fat loss—not water loss—that makes your clothes fit well. And once you are back on track with eating food, your body will regain the water and every gram it lost. 

Restricting your calories and limiting the nutrients to only fruits and vegetables make juicing an unsustainable strategy for managing weight.

If you’re thinking you could go for an orange juice and wouldn’t mind sipping it instead of food for life, just think again. The severe energy restriction that happens when you eliminate solid calories can lead to feelings of deprivation, cravings, food obsession, and rebound eating or binging.

Practically speaking, drinking juice and juice alone for weight loss just doesn’t make sense as it omits the fibre that keeps you full and makes it easier to shrug off extra snacks and second servings that cause excess weight.

Is juicing healthy? 

There’s no question regarding this: It doesn’t get much healthier than fruits and vegetables, and you might think that the liquid versions would be beneficial. Short-term juicing as a meal replacement can start a healthier way of living by interfering with patterns of social, emotional, habitual and environmental eating. But pure fruit and vegetable juice just doesn’t provide adequate protein, fibre, essential fatty acids, or B vitamins. 

What’s more, juicing doesn’t boost the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins D and E. Juicing can fit into a balanced eating pattern and help you get more fruits and vegetables into your diet—particularly if you save the fibre from the juiced produce and incorporate it into your food like muffins, pancakes, and meatloaf for getting the benefit of eating the whole fruit and vegetable. 

Side effects of juicing for weight loss

Despite what you might imagine, going all-in on juicing won’t immediately make you feel light like a feather. An increase in juicing can cause constipation, gas, bloating and diarrhoea. But it gets worse: Brace yourself for feeling fatigued, dizzy, and light-headed, additional side effects of extreme calorie reduction. 

Juicing may not provide enough calories to support you for being physically active, training and sports performance. 

It’s also worth noting that juicing is medically contraindicated for a few: If you have kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, gastrointestinal disease, colon surgery, severe haemorrhoids, or are taking certain medications as common as blood thinners, taking off your green juice ingredients as spinach and kale can interfere with your health. It’s even the best reason to discuss any dietary changes or diet attempts with your doctor. 

Best juices for weight loss

Just like there is no single ingredient that will serve as a magic ticket to your goal weight, there’s no single juice that experts recommend guzzling for results. But there is one way to keep your juice calories in check: Focus more on vegetables than fruit.

The juice with fewer calories will be the most effective, vegetable juices have fewer calories than fruit juices due to less sugar content.  

Since fibre helps you stay full for longer, opt for a juicer that doesn’t remove the fibre from the liquid. 


Many healthy and delicious juices can help support long-term weight loss.

Ideal juices for weight loss are low in sugar, high in fibre and rich in other essential nutrients, including vitamins, and minerals, and full of anti-oxidants.

You can use this list as a starting point and experiment with your favourite ingredients to make healthy juices at home using a juicer or blender.
