7 Amazing Anjeer Benefits For Women

Anjeer fruit and Indian plum | Anjeer fruit benefits

Without a doubt, dry fruits are the best and most energy-boosting foods loaded with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Among all the dry fruits anjeer also known as fig has multiple health benefits and hence it is very important to add anjeer to your diet. Anjeer fruit is considered as anjeer dry fruits after sun drying the raw anjeer figs. 

Anjeer can be stored as dried for years. Many people love the milkshake prepared with anjeer and cashew nuts. When your goal is to focus on weight loss and a good diet, you must be very careful about what to consume and how much to consume. Always a lot of patience and exercise are required for weight loss. Also, a healthy and strong metabolism can help in eliminating that extra weight. Eating healthy foods stimulates the metabolism of the body and makes you fuller and satiated. 

Minerals and vitamins A, C, K, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and manganese may all be found in abundance in Anjeer, making it a very healthy food.

There are many benefits of eating anjeer:

  • Figs reduce the occurrence of cancer
  • Anjeer helps in body metabolism 
  • Helps in proper digestion 
  • Controls blood pressure and ageing 
  • Controls blood sugar level
  • Helps maintain good health for bone
  • Lowering the risk of heart diseases
  • Helps to keep to the reproductive system
  • Prevents kidney stone formation
  • Helps in weight management
  • Way to consume figs for weight loss

7 anjeer benefits for female

1. Consuming figs may help to avoid postmenopausal breast cancer

Fruits high in fibre are usually beneficial in the prevention of breast cancer. One serving of figs (4-5) may supply a total of 5 grams of fibre, which is part of the 25 grams of fibre that women should take each day. Fibre, in turn, significantly reduces the incidence of breast cancer!

2. Figs are beneficial to the female body during PMS

Consuming figs is also recommended for women with the premenstrual syndrome to help reduce symptoms.

3. It has anti-diabetic properties

This is only true for fresh figs. Dried figs contain a significant quantity of concentrated sugar and should thus be ingested with caution by diabetics. The potassium component of figs aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the body. Fig leaves are also recognised to be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.

4. Skin Benefits of Eating Anjeer

Fig fruit is high in Vitamin B, Vitamin C, phosphorus, and vital minerals, all of which are good for your skin. Its antioxidants revitalise your skin and keep it free of skin diseases.

5. Hair benefits of eating figs

Figs are high in vitamin E, which is beneficial to your hair. Calcium is also a precursor of collagen, which is what makes up the hair. It's no wonder that figs are often seen in conditioners and hair treatments! Aside from eating figs, you may also use fig oil to improve the health of your hair.

6. Figs aid with weight loss!

The high fibre content of figs is beneficial to weight control. The fibre helps to regulate the digestive system of the body while also delivering a sensation of fullness. Replace high-sugar fruits like mangoes, grapes, and pineapples in your diet with fresh figs.

The benefits of figs for the female body are that it enhances bone density daily. Furthermore, it may aid in the prevention of illnesses such as osteoporosis. Because figs are high in potassium and calcium, a potassium-rich diet may promote bone health and decrease bone turnover.

7. Benefits of soaking figs in water overnight

Eating figs soaked in water on an empty stomach in the morning has various advantages: lowers blood glucose levels and reduces constipation Manganese, zinc, magnesium, and iron are abundant in figs. These minerals are beneficial to one's reproductive health.

Plant based collagen

5 Benefits of anjeer with milk at night

1. Ensures a Restful Night's Sleep

According to research, figs increase the production of melatonin in the body, which aids in the regulation of sleep-wake cycles and lowers insomnia. The happy hormone serotonin is also boosted. Finally, a pleasure hormone improves sleep by lowering stress and concern.

2. Excellent for immunity

Anjeer milk is beneficial to immunity, bones, and teeth. It promotes brain health by lowering inflammation, relieving joint and muscular discomfort, and improving digestion and metabolism.

3. Fiber-rich

Furthermore, anjeer milk includes a lot of fibre, which helps you stay full for a longer period and regulate your hunger cravings.

4. Low-calorie intake

While it is high in fibre, it is also low in calories, making it an ideal meal for weight reduction.

5. Improved digestion

Consuming figs daily also helps with digestion.

How much anjeer to eat daily?

When it comes to raw fruit, 2-3 figs a day is enough. If you want to eat dried figs, limit yourself to three and soak them overnight. When we soak dried fruits and nuts, our bodies can better absorb the nutrients and digest them.

What is the best time to eat anjeer?

Consuming 2-3 soaked Anjeer in the morning helps to treat constipation by stimulating bowel movement owing to its Rechana (laxative) effects, according to Ayurveda. Anjeer, which includes dietary fibre, aids digestion when consumed regularly.

How to consume anjeer?

1. Consume it similarly to other fruits

Simply get some fresh jeers, cut them, and eat 2-3 pieces first thing in the morning. The fruit has a lot of soluble fibre, which helps you lose weight by keeping you full for a long time. Dried anjeer is available all year, but it has a greater sugar and calorie content, so avoid it if you're trying to lose weight. The dried anjeer must be soaked overnight.

2. Drink anjeer with milk

You may make an immunity-boosting drink by boiling 1-2 anjeer pieces in milk. Anjeer, with the additional advantage of milk, helps your body fight infections by increasing stamina and immunity. You may drink this warm milk at night to help you sleep better.

3. Bake some cookies with Anjeer

Anjeer may be used as a sugar substitute in any of your recipes. Its texture also enables you to produce delicacies such as halwa, custard, jams, and pies. You may also use anjeer to prepare diabetic and weight loss-friendly desserts like cakes, muffins, and barfi.

4. Add it to your cereal for the morning

Cereal is one of the fastest and easiest ways to have a nutritious breakfast. Adding nuts, fruits, and anjeer to your cereal, muesli, or oats can boost the nutritious content of your morning. Simply mix 1-2 anjeer into your cereal and you're ready to go!

5. Anjeer Salad

You may add some dried figs to your salad dressing to add some water content to your dry salad while also providing crunchiness. A bowl of anjeer salad may provide a satisfying meal!

List of Anjeer shakes and Recipe:

  • Chocolate milkshake
  • Mango Shake
  • Figs Smoothie
  • Dry Fruit Milkshake


  1. Place the following ingredients in a blender jar:
  • chopped fresh figs (approximately 5 to 6 figs or 150 grams/5.30 ounces fresh figs)
  • 12 cups cold milk
  • 3–4 tbsp sugar
  • 18 teaspoon vanilla extract or 14 teaspoons scraped vanilla bean seeds
  • Vanilla is optional and may be skipped. 
  • Add sugar to taste based on the sweetness of the figs. Instead of sugar, you may use honey or any sweetener of your choice.
  1. Blend until smooth.
  1. Pour in the remaining 1.5 cups of cold milk. Blend once more.
  1. Pour fig milkshake into glasses and serve immediately.

Take Away

Figs are a treasure chest of nutrients that may help our bodies work better. This fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals and may be eaten dried or fresh depending on availability. While figs have a strong natural flavour, dried anjeer is a simple, healthy snack that may be eaten at any time of day. You may include them in your regular diet if you are not sensitive to them; nevertheless, restrict yourself to two or three at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How many anjeer eat daily?

Consume 2-3 dried figs every day to keep digestive issues at bay. You may eat it in any form, but the best approach to losing weight is to eat soaking figs or eat them raw.

2. Who should not eat Anjeer?

Anjeer includes phenolic chemicals that are anticoagulants. Patients with blood thinners should avoid anjeer and check their physicians before including anjeer in their normal diet.

3. What happens if you eat anjeer every day?

Anjeer consumption regularly raises haemoglobin levels in the blood.


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