Acne: Myths vs Facts

What is acne?
Acne is a skin condition that causes patches of pimples on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Acne comes in many forms, including whiteheads, zits, pimples, cystic acne, and nodules. The most well-known skin disorder is eczema. It most commonly occurs during puberty, when the sebaceous glands become active, but it can occur at any age. It isn't harmful, although it can leave acne scars and acne marks on the skin.
Here are some quick Acne facts:
- Acne is a skin disorder in which the oil glands at the base of the hair follicles become inflamed.
- It affects three out of every four people between the ages of 11 and 30.
- It isn't life-threatening, although it can leave acne scars and pimple marks on the skin.
- The severity and duration of acne treatment are dictated by the severity and duration of the condition.
- Genetics, menstrual cycle, worry and stress, hot and humid environments, using oil-based cosmetics, and pressing pimples are all risk factors for acne.
Let's debunk some common Acne myths:
In the case of acne, there is a slew of misconceptions about how to treat it. Some of these seeming fixes may actually exacerbate the problem. Beware!
- Myth: Blood purifiers can help you get rid of acne and cleanse your skin.
Fact: Acne is caused by a bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, as well as hormonal imbalances. It has nothing to do with whether the blood is pure or impure.
- Myth: If you have unpleasant bowel motions and constipation, you can get acne.
Fact: There are no studies to back up the claim that constipation causes acne. However, if a person is too upset about their constipation, the stress hormone will most likely erupt or cause acne.
- Myth: Acne is more frequent in people who have a lot of heat in their bodies.
Fact: Infections, fevers, thyroid issues, exercise, and other factors can all produce a rise in body heat. It can create rashes or prickly heat, but it won't make you break out.
- Myth: Acne is caused by fatty and fried foods.
Fact: According to studies, high-glycemic-index foods and dairy products cause acne. There is no link between eating oily foods and getting acne.
- Myth: Acne mainly affects the face.
Fact: Acne can appear everywhere there are sebaceous glands. The face, back, chest, arms, shoulders, and buttocks are all possible targets.
- Myth: Acne affects only teenagers.
Fact: Acne is more common in adolescence due to hormonal changes, but it can also affect adults. Between the ages of 25 and 45, more than half of women and a quarter of men suffer from acne.
- Myth: Acne is caused by a lack of hygiene and grime on the face.
Fact: Acne is not caused by dirty or unclean skin. An unclean acne face, on the other hand, can allow bacteria to infiltrate existing acne, resulting in larger boils. It is recommended that you maintain your acne face clean.
- Myth: Acne and blackheads are not the same things
Fact: Blackheads are a type of acne that looks like pimples. Acne is referred to as pimples in layman's terms. Cysts, blackheads, pustules, nodules, and whiteheads are all examples of acne.
- Myth: Getting a facial on a regular basis can rid your skin of acne.
Fact: Facials involve massaging the skin with oils and lotions, followed by the application of masks. The massage will cause the oil glands to produce more oil, which will result in more acne.
- Myth: Lemon juice, garlic, and toothpaste can be used to quickly dry pimples.
Fact: Although both lemon juice and garlic have antimicrobial qualities. Both can cause irritation and a rash, leading to an oozing, excruciating injury that will leave a mark after it heals. Toothpaste may contain baking soda and other synthetic components that can help to dry out a pimple on a regular basis. However, this does not indicate that all of your zits will go. In fact, if your skin is sensitive or adversely affected by toothpaste chemicals, your problems may worsen. Toothpaste can cause redness and peeling by drying out the skin. It's recommended to consult a dermatologist to determine the best acne treatment for your acne severity and skin type.
How to take care of your skin?
- Picking or squeezing your dark spots will usually worsen them and may result in scarring.
- If your acne bothers you, though, it's critical to take action to control it as soon as it arises. This lessens humiliation and helps to avoid lasting acne scars. Your dermatologist will provide you with advice.
- Expect to see results after using your therapies for at least two months. Make sure you know how to utilise them properly so you can get the most out of them.
- Makeup can boost your self-esteem. Make use of oil-free or water-based products. Choose products that are 'non-comedogenic' (don't cause blackheads or whiteheads) or 'non-acnegenic' (doesn't cause acne) (should not cause acne) like anti-acne gel and acne gel.
- Use a light soap or a gentle cleanser or acne fash wash and water, or an oil-free soap replacement, to cleanse your skin and remove make-up. Scrubbing your skin too hard will irritate it and worsen your acne. Remember that blackheads aren't caused by sloppy washing.
- A balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will enhance your skin and health in general.
Take Away
Acne is a chronic condition, which means it can endure a long period. It's a skin ailment that means it's present beneath the surface of your skin. Acne management should always be a priority for you, and we can assist you. Also, you can purchase and use anti-acne gel and acne cream available online with free doctor consultation.