8 Impressive Yoga Poses for Arthritis & Joint Pain

a woman doing yoga to reduce arthritis pain

If you have arthritis, gentle yoga poses may be just what you need to help with joint pain.

A study published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation found yoga was beneficial in women with osteoarthritis who stuck closely to the yoga program for Arthritis and joint pain. Patients with either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis concluded that regular yoga training may decrease knee symptoms and enhance physical function and overall well-being.

With the permission of your healthcare provider, try the sequence, which could help reduce your arthritis pain and enhance your flexibility. If you’re less flexible, do not force your body into these yoga positions. Just go as far as you comfortably can until you feel a gentle stretch, working your way a little further as you get more used to the moves.

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Benefits of Yoga for Arthritis

So why does yoga really benefit people with arthritis?

Here’s a quick summary of all the yoga benefits people often get if they are dealing with arthritis:

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle strength
  • More energy
  • Improved immune system
  • Flexibility
  • Less stress and depressive symptoms
  • Increased well-being

Yoga Poses for Arthritis & Joint Pain

Child's pose

A child’s pose is a kind of a gentle stretch to warm up your body, especially the lower back. Come down to your hands and knees, then sit on your hips. Sitting on your hips, fold forward, resting your head on the floor if you are able to. Stretch your arms out in front or keep them by your sides. Remain in this position as you take various deep breaths.

Downward dog

This pose helps to stretch your back and build strength in the arms and legs. After the cat-cow pose, remain on your hands and knees keeping your back in a neutral position. Straighten your knees, making your hips lift so your body forms an inverted V. Lower your heels touching the ground if you can. Hold for some breaths. 

Mountain pose

This is like a calming pose. Stand straight with your arms by your sides, palms forward, and heels slightly apart. Lift and spread your toes apart before placing them back on the floor. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet, with your legs engaged and your kneecaps lifted. Hold for a minute, taking several slow breaths.

Staff pose

Sit up straight on the floor keeping your legs extended in front of you and your arms to your sides, palms facing down. If sitting up straight feels difficult, try sitting against a wall. Lift your shoulders and roll your shoulder blades back so they touch the wall; your head and lower back should not touch the wall. Flex your feet, pressing your thighs to the floor. Take several breaths in between, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Hold on for at least a minute, if you can.

Seated spinal twist

Sit straight with both your legs stretched in front of you. Bend the right knee and cross your right foot over your left leg making your foot flat on the floor.  Wrap your left arm around the knee and hug it toward the chest. Put the right hand on the floor behind you for support. Inhale, lengthen your spine and exhale gently, twisting to the right and looking behind you. Slowly release the pose and do for the other side.

Warrior II

Stand in a mountain pose, and take a big step back with your left foot. Keep your right foot pointing straight and turn your left foot so it’s at a 90-degree angle with your right foot. Exhale when you bend your right leg. Extend your arms to the side at the height of your shoulder, keeping them parallel to the floor. Turn your head to the right, looking straight at your extended right arm. Hold for a minute. Remember to take slow, deep breaths in between. Repeat with your other foot putting it in front.  

Low Lunge

This lunge variation strengthens your quads and glutes and enhances balance and concentration. Put your right foot forward in a standing position. Bend your right knee and let your hips bend down toward the floor. Your knee should be at a right angle to your ankle. Bend your left knee so that it rests on the floor with your foot under it. Take your arms above your head. Hold it for one minute, taking several deep breaths. Switch to the other side of the legs.


These two poses are beneficial for reducing tension in your shoulders and neck. From a child's pose, start with your hands and knees on the mat about shoulder-width apart from each other, your shoulders aligned over your wrists. Take a deep breath in and arch your back like a cat, moving your chin to your chest. Next, exhale and lift your chin while dropping your belly. Repeat these two times and breathe in between. 

Take Away

If your joints particularly feel painful, it's better to avoid stretching or exercising them until the pain calms down. If you feel pain in any of these yoga movements, you should either modify the pose or come out of it altogether. You can add Saturn by Ghc joint support tablets to your routine.

Try to fit a yoga practice into your daily life, as it brings out physical as well as mental benefits. Yoga can help with the ways to deal with pain, and show you a new way to find your calm.
