Things & Everyday Habits That Damage Hair Follicles

Things & Everyday Habits That Damage Hair Follicles

Hairstyling can complete your style, but depending on your method, it can also cause damage to your locks. There are many causes for damaging hair follicles like stress, bad hair care routine, unhealthy diet, etc. With this list of some typical hair care practices, put your self-care routine to the test and see whether you're hurting your hair without even realising it. Don't worry if you recognise any of your own behaviours; it's never too late to develop a healthy hair regimen. 

Unhealthy Habits That Damage Hair Follicles 

1. Hair washing on a regular basis (or not enough)

Too much washing causes hair to become dry and dull. We remove our hair from all the essential oils that keep it healthy and beautiful when we over-wash it. The same is true of our skin. Similarly, not washing our hair on a regular basis might have major consequences and also washing your hair with too much hot shower makes it dry, so avoid hot showers.

2. Using scalding hot water to rinse 

After a long day, we all enjoy a nice shower, but our hair does not. Overly hot showers, however, have the same impact on our hair as hot tools. Excessive heat and steam deplete the vital oils in our hair, leaving it brittle and subject to additional damage. Take gently hot showers to encourage your hair follicles to open and clean themselves and always use SLS-free shampoo, according to hair experts. However, after conditioning, you must immediately switch to cold water to allow the follicles to seal again and eliminate the possibility of ingrown hairs or discomfort. 

saturn hair nourishing shampoo

3. Root-cause conditioning 

When conditioning your hair, it's critical to avoid the roots. Conditioners clog the pores of the scalp since they are generally thick and heavy. Side effects include ingrown hairs, damaged follicles, and excessive oil. Your hair on top of your head is the most recent and, as a consequence, the most moisturised. It's vital to treat the hair closer to your ends since it's colder and drier. According to a good rule of thumb, conditioner should never go over your ears.

4. Rough drying using a bath towel

It's easy to forget about towel-drying your hair. We all love the feeling of being fresh out of the shower, hair tied back, and sitting in our favourite bathrobe. Breakage, hair loss, and overall damage happen from the abrasive motion of running the terrycloth fabric through your hair. 

The strands of moist hair are highly pliable, making them prone to breaking if handled wrong. The next time you shower, wear a cotton T-shirt or a microfiber hair wrap. The T-shirt method is especially beneficial for those with curly hair or hair that plops. Insert your hair inside the shirt and tie it up like a bath towel. If you have the time and patience, though, air-drying your hair will be beneficial. 

5. Using the incorrect hairbrush 

Most of us skip the research and select the prettiest hairbrush at the drugstore, but being intentional about how you style your hair will make a dramatic difference. Curly-haired persons should use a paddle brush made of boar bristles. This brush does not cause curls to lose their shape or frizz; instead, it moisturises and smooths the strands without causing pain. Straight-haired persons should use a brush that has both boar and nylon bristles. Because the bristles slide through the hair without harming the scalp or tugging on the follicles, this brush is particularly good for those with thin hair. 

6. When using hot tools, forgetting to use a heat shield 

It is critical to use an adequate heat protectant when utilising hot equipment on your hair. Without one, your hair will be damaged for a long time and appear dull and dry hair. High temperatures cause strands to crack and dry out on their own. A heat protectant acts as a barrier, preventing heat damage to your hair's structure. However, not all heat protectors are made equal, so do your homework to determine which is best for your hair type: a blow-dry balm, priming spray, or another option.

7. Using cotton pillowcases while sleeping 

Cotton pillowcases are said to absorb your hair's moisturising essential oils. If you don't utilise these oils, your hair will break due to dryness, and your skin will suffer in the same manner. Simply replace your cotton pillowcase with a silk one and you'll wake up with beautiful tresses. 

8. Frequently styling your hair in tight updos 

At the moment, slicked-back updos and ponytails are all the rage. Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Selena Gomez have all been photographed wearing their distinctive skin-tight top knots. The bad news is that these skull-hugging styles encourage receding hairlines and extensive breaking. Try to avoid wearing these looks every day to keep your hair healthy. 

9. Forgetting to eat breakfast is one of the most common mistakes people make

A high-protein breakfast encourages healthy hair development while also providing your body with the resources it requires to begin the day. Eggs and mixed berries are two common breakfast dishes that boost hair growth and general health. Always remember that healthy hair starts in the kitchen.

10. Overheating your hair

The most prevalent cause of hair damage is excessive use of hot equipment. The heat is to blame for split ends, breakage, and dryness. Hair experts recommend just using hot tools twice a week and not cranking them up too high, as well as using a strong heat protectant. Kudos to you if you can get rid of them all! Your hair is in fantastic shape. 

11. Brushing wet hair 

When your hair is damp, it is more prone to breaking due to the flexibility induced by the shower. As a result, it's critical to wait until your hair is nearly dry before brushing it. Alternatively, untangle the bottom part of your hair with a wide-tooth comb, being cautious not to comb the roots. Brushing your hair when it's completely damp will result in a lot of breakage and hair loss. This is especially true for your roots, which are linked to your newest hair strands and hair fall control.

12. Spending excessive amounts of time in the sun 

Our skin and hair are extremely similar. The sun's harmful rays have a big influence on both of them. When we are exposed to too much sun, we get burns on our bodies, which may lead to cancer. Our hair becomes prone to major breaking, even if the damage is masked as natural highlights. To minimise these negative repercussions, remember to apply sunscreen (especially to your scalp) and invest in a fashionable floppy hat for the summer.

Take Away

All these things and everyday habits that are wrong may cause bad hair and can result in hair fall and hair loss. To prevent your hair from hair fall, follow your dermatologist-recommended tips for taking proper hair care and hair fall treatment.
