Why Do I Get Scanty Periods?

Menstruation Or Periods
Basically menstruation or in general period is a process in which vaginal bleeding is a part of a woman's monthly cycle.
Why does Menstruation Occurs?
The body of a female prepares herself for pregnancy every month. But if you are not ready for pregnancy then your womb or uterus sheds away its lining. This menstrual blood that sheds away is not just blood but it is partly tissue and partly blood exit out from inside the uterus through the vagina. This menstruation cycle or period usually lasts for 3 to 5 days while it starts occurring from the age of 11 to 14 years and ends until menopause is attained at the age of 51.
Scanty Periods
Women usually get their period every 21 to 35 days and are consistent in their flow and days.
While your menstrual flow usually occurs for two to seven days in number.
Every woman and their period cycle is different. Like when a woman gets pregnant she will not experience the period then the lining inside the uterus does not detach itself.
Symptoms of Scanty Or Light Period
- You bleed for some days only like less than 2 days.
- Light bleeding like just spotting
- You may miss one or more of your regular periods.
- May experience more frequent light periods than regular periods
Under such circumstances, you should consider the doctor's advice to know the root cause of your irregularities in vaginal bleeding or menstrual cycle.
Causes Of Scanty Periods
There can be several reasons for light periods. Some of them include.
Periods can vary in length and flow depending upon your age. Like if you are in your teenage then there can be variations in the flow and length of your period. On the other hand, if you are in the phase of menopause then there can be irregular and scanty periods. Such changes occur due to your hormonal imbalances.
Your period also fluctuates by the weight and fat content of the body. If you are highly underweight then there are strong chances of an irregular menstrual cycle due to hormone malfunction. Also, sudden increase or decrease in your weight can be a reason for irregular periods.
There can be some spotting only while you are pregnant. Don't misunderstand that spotting to be a period that is just the implantation bleeding.
Periods do not come back immediately after you give birth and breastfeed the child. As the hormones responsible for milk production prevent ovulation and delay your period. Also, there can be boobs sores that appear after the period.
The birth control methods you opt for avoiding pregnancy also cause your light periods. Let's see some procedures used...
- Patch
- Pill
- Shot
- Ring
Also when you stop taking birth control very recent results in irregularities in your period.
In situations when you feel stressed your menstrual cycle is altered by your brain as a result of which you can experience scanty or altered periods.
Those of women who exercise very frequently or also the athletes who exercise a lot and exhaust a lot of their energy in it, both of such categories of women may experience scanty or light periods.
If you are suffering from an eating disorder that can lead to your low body weight can alter the hormones that regulate the period.
PCOS could be there if your periods have stopped or are facing irregularity in menstruating. This alters your hormone level which in turn brings a change in your menstrual cycle.
Hormonal change that leads to irregularity in your menstrual cycle is also accompanied by:
- Change in body weight
- Leads to obesity
- Period pain
- Acne
- Facial hair
- Infertility
Serious Medical Conditions
Sometimes you need to be cautious while going through irregular or unusual periods as it also indicates some more serious medical conditions as regular health is in prime condition.
Also, an unusual or scanty period occurs due to fluctuations in your hormones level or maybe some other concerns related to your medical health. Many studies also established the link between your irregular periods and PCOS or it can also be some severe issues with women's reproductive organs.
Risk Factors Associated With It
These light or scanty periods can be associated with any serious medical concerns. You should seek professional medical help for any of such serious irregularities with your periods. Any age group of women can be at risk of scanty periods.
Also, those of women who do not have a menstrual cycle for 3 months or more can be suffering from amenorrhea.
When To Book An Appointment With The Doctor?
In case of unusual or scanty periods you should see a doctor in the following situations:
- Missed period for three months or more when you are not pregnant
- Have irregular periods
- Have bleeding between your periods
- Have irregular periods.
- Period cramps or pain
As discussed above the scanty or u usual period can be due to various factors. If such unusuality occurs for a longer duration than professional treatment requires for its cure.
Making changes in your lifestyle and doing properly prescribed medication can treat your problematic scanty periods.
Also many times it is seen that the use of prescribed hormonal birth control pills can manage your symptoms. If the symptoms are rigid further tests may be done and different medication for that reason will be advised to you by the doctor.
Take Away
Such conditions of scanty or light periods are nothing serious and you do not need to worry at all. Clinical studies also suggest that periods as short as two days are normal in medical science.
Also if the symptoms indicate a positive pregnancy like light spotting or missed periods then you should cross-check it by the pregnancy test. If necessary, consult the doctor for the required course of action.