Everything You Need to Know About Collagen

What Is Collagen?
The strongest and most abundant protein that isn't in the body is the cross-linking and cross-linking of amino acids together results in collagen constitution. Collagen constitutes about
- 30% of total body protein mass
- 75% of the fibers of the skin
The fibers of collagen hold the skin together and keep it strong and elastic. It helps in repairing the themed skin cells to make every time under and shiny.
What Does Collagen Do?
Collagen is mainly 16 types present in the body.
Have a look at the 4 main types of categories of collagen along with the function performed by them:
Type I: This is very densely packed and accounts for approximately 90% of the collagen in your body and provides a structural base to bones, tendons, skin, connectives, tissue, fibrous cart, and teeth.
Type II fibers are loosely packed fibers found present in elastic cart cushions that effectively cushion your joints.
Type III. is used for structural support to organs, arteries, and muscles.
Type IV. This type lies in the layer of your skin which also helps infiltration.
As you grow old your body starts producing low-quality collagen in quite a less amount. As you age, your body produces less and low-quality collagen.
Nutrients That Increases Production Of Collagen
The process of making procollagen by combining proline and glycine uses vitamin C.
- Vitamin C is found in large quantities in bell peppers, strawberries, and citrus fruits.
- Hyaluronic acid is also used to boost collagen production. It can be found in roots vegetables, beans, and soy.
- Proline Large amounts of this are present in wheat germ, egg whites, cabbage, dairy products, mushrooms, and asparagus.
- Glycine is found in chicken skin, pork skin, and gelatin. Also, you can find glycine in various protein-containing foods.
- Copper is mainly found in sesame seeds, organ meat, cashew, cocoa powder, and lentils.
In addition to the above nutrients, your body requires protein of high quality that contains with it the amino acids that are required to make new proteins. For example, seafood, meat, legumes, poultry dairy, and tofu are good sources of amino acids.
Things Which Can Damage Collagen
Let's have a look at what to avoid to save your collagen...
- Eating high amounts of refined carbs and sugar: As sugar can reduce the repair capability of collagen. So eat a limited amount of sugar and carbs in refined form.
- Overexposure Of The Sun: Sun produces UV radiation that can minimize collagen production. So do avoid much sun exposure.
- Smoking also destroys your collagen and minimizes its production scale drastically which can further lead to wrinkles.
- Some autoimmune diseases: Also decrease collagen production like lupus.
Safety And Side Effects
There are very few studies done to supplement us with the knowledge of collagen supplements safety and side effects. When we use the supplement it will dramatically support our collagen production which helps in repairing skin cells and provide you with youthful and shiny skin.
In light of whatever little bit of research, it is known that some of the side effects of using a gelatin supplement are dizziness, heaviness, unpleasant taste, and heartburn. Also in case of an allergic reaction, you must visit a professional dermatologist to seek a tested and effective line of treatment.
How To Supplement Your Collagen Level?
There are many products in a powdery form that can be easily incorporated into your diet and will provide a boost in your collagen level like collagen peptide that comes in powdery form and can be infused into your diet.
You can also mix the peptide form into soups, smoothies, or baked goods in a form that preserves their natural texture. You can have gelatin to eat them in the form of gummies. The important thing is to always look for the label on the product for the details. Always try to use high-quality collagen supplements to get the best result. Also in the supplement section, you can find the collagen found in the skin of the fish called marine collagen.
Myths About Collagen
In most of the queries, it is the first doubt of any person that he/she can apply the collagen directly to their skin to get the most benefit out of their supplement. It has become the biggest myth in the cosmetic industry.
The beauty market is flooded with many high-image brands that are digging pockets of their valuable, easily twisted customers by raising their hope of good skin quality by providing them with multiple creams, serums, lotions, moisturizers, and ointments. They claimed that they can boost your collagen level like any magical pill.
But on the other side, the truth is that the molecules of collagen are very big and do not fit at all to penetrate the lower layer of your skin. So such products are of no use to you. That means you are purely wasting your hard-earned money over such fake advertisements and claims of many reputed brands.
Take Away
Collagen is an important and the strongest protein that helps in providing the structural component to various parts of the body.
The best part is that you can get this precious protein from the food you eat.
Also, collagen supplements are available on the market which can help you in boosting collagen level. By boosting this valuable protein you can have the desired skin complexion that can make you unique once again and it can also help you in the proper functioning of your muscles.